The title of the thread might be inappropriate. If someone could help find a better word choice to follow ‘CrossFit’ in reference to the following experience, that would be great.
Some members on this site have had their problems with CrossFit. Whether it be the workouts, their philosophy, their claims, and/or their “Coaches”. With all the questions I’ve asked of the “coaches” I was spared the fate that some of the more inquisitive members of the T-Nation have faced. Yes, those members are bitter. That was until today…
Me- “Are CrossFit journals usually this late to arrive?”
This is about 7pm Hawai’i time. I was actually looking forward to this journal due to the content covering bike riding. I wanted to read their “spin” on the topic. It’s a product that is usually prepared and in email boxes before the last US State to see the sun.
Very innocent question. The response was humorous, but very familiar.
Them- “Patience trey. If you start complaining you will have to deal with the CrossFit complaint department and that won’t be pleasant.”
I saw the humor, so I played along with what I thought was a playful joke. Since the question was not implying anything.
Me returning the joke- “Yes, I heard about that. Sounds lots like fascism (Deal with it, no questions asked. If you don’t like it, go elsewhere.), but I paid a fee. On the other hand, since I paid $ for a product due on the 1st of the month, I would love to hear the reason why I haven’t gotten what I paid for. A complaint? The journals are part of the business. There would be no bother if this stuff were for free.”
With a mix of the joke and a bit of seriousness, I am no pro about business but with good beginning experiences with Biotest and other online businesses, explanations are usually very quick and understood. Maybe I pushed too far, check this out.
The COACH- "Brian is CrossFit staff. He’s being “funny”. Now its my turn.
Fascism, huh? You liberals use that too loosely.
The journals are going out as we speak. So is your refund and your last CrossFit Journal. I’m also blocking your access to the free CrossFit website.
For the record it is 10:32 PM, February 1st. All goods delivered on time, as promised.
The Complaint Department
Comment #112 - Posted by Coach"
A very sensitive man this Coach. I never knew liberals were the only people who use the word “fascism”. Hence where the joke was. Then again, the truth does get taken as insult.
At least I know now what group I belong to, since I never really belonged or sided with one political group.
Maybe I deserved it if I lived and breathed in their world. But when you don’t live and breathe in their world, you’re just a floating blip to be discarded whenever they please. Never question the validity or reliability of their Coach, even if joking.
Here at T-Nation on the other hand. I like this place. I can make a dumb joke, get slammed on it, and not get banned from the site.
*side note- I guess for the past couple months there has been politcal discussion uprisings being brought on by the “coach” and company. Many members have become former members. Obviously due to differing political opinions from the “coach” and admin. That’s too bad. Their fitness approach is opposite from their political practice, but they were bringing it together.