thats only 2-3 exercises per day is that all i need to get big. that sounds alot easier then what i’m doing.[/quote]
Well its 3-4 exercises, and really it is all you need at first. Adding much more than this is a distraction, and could possibly hurt your progression.
The idea is this. These exercise work your entire body. When you have competence in these movements, you will be able to do pretty much any other movement from a flexibility/coordination standpoint.
Once you get your form down on these exercises, you will for awhile, be able to increase the amount of weight you are lifting every single day, more so on the lower body than the upper, but upper will get strong fast as well.
Doesnt sound very impressive? Well check this squatting progression out.
First you have to get the squat down, flexibility and all. Lets say you can squat well with 135 for 3 sets of 6.
Day1- 135
Day2- 140
Day3- 145
Day4- 150
Day5- 155
Day6- 160
Day7- 165
Day8- 170
Day9- 175
It is definitely possible that you could increase your strength that quickly. The most important part is that you are starting with a good squat. If you are starting with an ok squat and think you are going to work on it as you get stronger, it will not happen.
Now you should be doing what I layed out on monday, wednesday, and friday. And resting on the other days. Even if you dont get up to doing 230 in 7 weeks, you will be pretty close, given that you are in somewhat decent physical shape.
The gain in strength muscle coordination and confidence you will get on this program will pale in comparison to anything that is vastly different IMO. And most importantly you will understand lifting…