im 16 years old, jr in h/s, football is my main sport but i just finished basketball and i have decided to join track in hopes to become faster for football. im a running back for var. i play both fullback and tailback so i need both size and strength as well as speed.
current stats:
199.4 pounds with 13% BF
max bench: 270
max squat: 375
never maxed my deadlift but i know its weak and need improving
max clean: 205
my current plan:
note* i have 3+ serious years of h/s lifting
Phase one hypertrophy: early off season (8 months before season)
follow Waterburys ABBH2 but combine them into two A and B days, because the program is to easy with to many days apart for me. after ABBH2 i want to go throgh another hypertorophy phase as i stil have a long way untill season.
Phase two late off season: (5-3 months before season)
im not shure what to do here any reconmendations? i still need more size but more ephisis on strength at this point. track will end around this time and i will need to start my own sprinting / strongman conditioning durring this phase.
Phase three:early pre season (3 months before season)
going to start plyometrics and o-lifts any reconmendations for programs?
late preseason: 2 weeks before lower the volume and take active rest with the last half week before being a full rest. im hoping all my gains in plyometrics and sprint work will show at this time while maintaing my muscle size and strength.
thanks for takeing your time to look and critique my training plan.
Hey man,
i just came on the site looking for pretty much the same thing, except for the fact that your stats are much more impressive and we are going for completely different positions.
but i found the Westside for skinny bastards program to be amazing
the first program is great its the one im using but the second one incorpirates running and plyometrics in it too.
Looks like you’re trying to line up a Western Periodization template there. Eh.
Personally, I prefer the conjugate method for athletes like football players. That point may or may not be heavily contested by some people around here. DeFranco’s already been thrown at you - he believes in the conjugate method and his stuff is GREAT and his clients’ results are COMPELLING. I can’t emphasize that enough. Understand it enough to the point where you can tailor it to fit your personal needs.
You’re going to be doing ABBH DURING track season? Doesn’t the track team practice? Be EXTREMELY wary of overtraining. Better yet - What is your biggest deficiency…
Figure that out, and decide if track is the right step or not. I don’t think you can do both (ABBH/track season). Then start breaking down the specifics of each of those categories and address the most glaring problems you have.
can i stay on WS4SB from now until football season? would i need differnt phases concentrating on differnt things?
with the conjigate method i find it hard to make a training program that improves multiple things while keeping volume low as not to burn out. will WS4SB incroperate everything i need?
i think my main weakness is speed (thus im in track right now). im fine on ABBH while do’ing track but im thinking about switching over to WS4SB. does WS4SB provide enugh workload for advanced lifters? it just seems like its not alot of lifting (im used to lifting 4-6 times a week)
what about olompic lifts? should i add another day to WS4SB of just Oly lifts?
what should my suppliment stack look like?
what about strongman work? or one of favorits sandbag conditioning? should i put thouse in or keep em out? and when?
[quote]Li0nHeartt wrote:
thanks for the info so far guys.
a cupple questions tho
can i stay on WS4SB from now until football season? would i need differnt phases concentrating on differnt things?
with the conjigate method i find it hard to make a training program that improves multiple things while keeping volume low as not to burn out. will WS4SB incroperate everything i need?
i think my main weakness is speed (thus im in track right now). im fine on ABBH while do’ing track but im thinking about switching over to WS4SB. does WS4SB provide enugh workload for advanced lifters? it just seems like its not alot of lifting (im used to lifting 4-6 times a week)
what about olompic lifts? should i add another day to WS4SB of just Oly lifts?
what should my suppliment stack look like?
what about strongman work? or one of favorits sandbag conditioning? should i put thouse in or keep em out? and when?
thanks for helping me out!!!
WS4SB is a good program for athletes, it is good. Why are you talking about burnout in one and then say that WS4SB doesn’t look like it has enough workouts for you? Paradoxed yourself man. Yes WS4SB is supposed to make you larger, faster, and stronger according to the success stories DeFranco has on the website
Why already tweak a program before you have even got the template, you are already trying to add workout days and olympic lifts, you have an offseason so just try it out for like four weeks and if it isn’t working then add whatever. . And supposedly Westside is designed so you don’t have to have different periodization because of the DE and ME days or something like that.
Supplements:protein shakes, vitamins, just stick to the basics and put in some hard work man
There is a day on WS4SB specifically for strongman conditiong.
You are asking questions that make me think you haven’t even looked at the program yet. Read the entire page that the link leads to before you do anything.
oh and you are not training with your team right? if you are you should probably just workout with your coaches, they probably know you better and probably have a long term periodization plan too.