Critique My Plan Please

Im 23, 5’10’', 163 lbs and not sure bf%. I’ve been working out off and on since high school, but lately (past two months) i’ve been working out a lot harder and eating better. My goal is to become ripped as hell. I dont want to be big, just insanely ripped. I know that I have to build muscle while also dropping bf, but i dont want to do a bulking and cutting phase. Just want to do both at same time, if possible. I am very disciplined, so any advice is appreciated.

My workout:
flat-bench, inc dumbell, inc smith machine, smith machine seated, seated dumbell press, upright row, barbell shrug, close-grip bench.

straight-arm pulldown, bent-over row, wide-grip pulldown, inc dumbbell curl, ez-bar preacher curl, rev wrist curl

barbell squat, leg press, leg extension, deadlift, standing and seated calf

flat-bench Dbell flye, inc BP, cable crossover, Dbell lat raise, barbell overhead press, bent-over lat raise, Dbell shrug, triceps pressdown, bench dip

Pull-up, One-arm Dbell row, reverse grip pulldown, standing barbell curl, Dbell concentration curl, barbell wrist curl, weighted decline crunch


Breakfast- egg whites, soy milk, fat-free cheese, fruit
Snack-Protein shake, sometimes also a bagel
lunch- roast beef sandwhich, light mayo, light wheat bread, fruit or veggie
Snack/pre workout- NO Xplode, Protein shake,
Post workout- BSN Cellmass, protein shake
Dinner- Lean meat (chicken, beef, fish) lots of veggies

HOT-ROX (just 1 in morning), TRIBEX Gold (1 morning and 1 afternoon), Flax seed oil (3 caps with meals), Multi-vitamin, Vitamin C (1000mg), Protein Shakes, BSN NO Xplode, BSN Cellmass

I know its detailed and I appreciate it if you read it all, I just wanna know how it looks and any advice is appreciated. Thanks. -Marcus

Routine: looks like too much volume

Diet: looks like too little food, def less than 2000 cals

Supplements: HRX? really? why?

Your split right now is chest/shoulders, back, legs, chest/shoulders, arms, and legs. Might I suggest that for fat loss, you stick with a either a push/pull split or total body work.

Thanks for the input… what do you mean by too much volume? I dont want the calories too high because I dont them to be stored as fat. HRX, kind of a hectic schedule with school, dont get much sleep, so I take them in the morning to give me that boost, also to keep metabolism up. Any suggestions I could do besides taking them?

Thanks, I will look up some push/pull and total body workouts. Just haven’t really found any.

Thanks for the advice.

Too much volume, on Monday, you have 8 exercises listed, with most of them being pretty similar. In this case, you could get more out of doing less.

As far as cals being stored as fat, you have to eat at a great caloric excess to even gain fat, especially while working out. I think a close estimate is bx15 for maintenance cals. That would put you at around 2500 cals/day. In order to gain 1 pound a week, you would have to be AT LEAST eating 3000 cals/day. On top of that, if you were working out, theres no way it would be all fat.

You said you don’t want to be big, but ‘insanely ripped’. For you to look ripped, with your frame, you would need to gain at least 20lbs of muscle in my opinion. Otherwise, you would just look like a skeleton. The definition you currently have is just due to having a low bf%.

Back to the HRX. Any suggestions besides taking them? Yes. Don’t take them. Food will give you energy. On top of that, I thought NO Explode was a stimulant. You aren’t supposed to mix HRX with stimulants.

And as for a routine, search the site. There are plenty of good ones out there. I am currently doing this:

Sorry if that post was a little ADD, jumping around with the topics, but I am multi tasking right now, ha.

Nah, thats perfect, this is what i’m looking for. I’ll drop the HRX and increase the calories. Thanks for the routine, im gonna check it out.

If you want to design your own prog I would read up on this article, it’ll help you get a better balance to it:
If you do a search you’ll find part2 of this as well.

I would save your money on the NO-Xplode, read this:

You’ll find it difficult to add muscle AND get ripped at the same time. You can add muscle and maintain around your current fat level and then cut more later on.

Alternatively you could purchase Waterburys 10/10 prog where you add 10lbs of muscle and lose 10lbs fat.

Wow, thanks for the heads up on the NO Xplode. Also thanks for the link to the build your own program, i skimmed through it real quick and im gonna try and build one for my needs. Dont know what the Waterbury program is, im going to search for it. Thanks for your help, much appreciated.

I checked out the Waterbury program and i guess it seems legit… is it worth the money to go ahead and pay for it though? Thanks.

I personally don’t think you have enough BF to benefit from the 10/10 program. It was my understanding that it was aimed at people there were like ~20% bf trying to lean out to around 10%. I don’t know, I may be wrong.

[quote]gabex wrote:
Routine: looks like too much volume

Diet: looks like too little food, def less than 2000 cals

Supplements: HRX? really? why?[/quote]

i dont understand how you can conclude that this program has too high of volume.

HRX… why not?

Monday has 7 compound lifts in one session. I highly doubt anyone can perform 7 different compound lifts in one session with intensity unless they are doing very few reps/sets per lift.

HRX. Why not? I don’t see where a fat burner comes in to play here. Yeah, he said he wanted to be ripped. He is barely eating enough to maintain the little muscle mass he has, while taking a thermogenic that is increasing his metabolism. He also does not have much fat anyways. If he needs energy, he should eat. If he still needs a boost, go for some caffeine… perhaps a Spike shooter.

Did I miss something? Am I wrong here?

You are right.

That is all.

[quote]gabex wrote:
Monday has 7 compound lifts in one session. I highly doubt anyone can perform 7 different compound lifts in one session with intensity unless they are doing very few reps/sets per lift.

HRX. Why not? I don’t see where a fat burner comes in to play here. Yeah, he said he wanted to be ripped. He is barely eating enough to maintain the little muscle mass he has, while taking a thermogenic that is increasing his metabolism. He also does not have much fat anyways. If he needs energy, he should eat. If he still needs a boost, go for some caffeine… perhaps a Spike shooter.

Did I miss something? Am I wrong here?[/quote]

you missed the fact that he didn’t state his templates… or the amount of weight he is going to be using.

volume = total reps x weight used

and personally i think his diet is fine. if he’s having 6 egg whites in the morning, at least 6 oz of meat for lunch and dinner, and 2 - 3 scoops of protein per shake, that’s plenty for what he’s out to do. and i believe HRX isn’t solely a calorie burner, but it helps oxidize fat through other ways.

if i were to change anything, it’d be his workout. its pretty bad.

im open for anything, thanks for the input. as for as my workout, im doing on average 4 sets with 10-12 reps for each exercise with about a minute between sets. i kno you said the no-xplode isnt all that great, but it does give me a hell of a boost so my intensity stays pretty high. ok, so maybe i wont look at the Waterbury program. from what i’ve heard, i need to add more mass before i can look “insanely ripped.” then i guess i will do a mini-cutting phase after i add some mass. as far as protein, i think that i need to add more of it to my diet. i added it up, and im only getting like 120 grams or so, so i will adding some more.

thanks for all the help, much appreciated.

get rid of bsn supplements way over priced and not effective go with a simple cheap creatine monohydrate instead of the cellmass and the no explode u can def. do without by more protein powder wey n casein and as far as ur training too much volume your overtraining go heavy as hell stick to compound lifts deadlift, squat, bench, military press…eat more

Cut out the soy milk on the morning too…

“Soy milk is essentially Coffee-Mate with laced with estrogen, and is best left to vegans and other socialist vegetarian types that can’t bring themselves to eat the completely natural-for-humans flesh of our friends the Animals but who have no trouble with slaughtering trillions of our other friends the Plants and processing – in gigantic factories run by multinational corporations with shareholders that eat meat themselves – very selectively chosen components of their poor little bodies into gooey shit that humans have never had an opportunity to adapt to digesting. Why, eating such material, with its high levels of isoflavones, touted by gynecologists as tantamount to Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT), will make you grow boobs, and this will screw up the clean lines of this fine young man’s Under Armor. I recommend against it.”
-Mark Rippetoe

haha, so thats the least carton of soy milk i buy. as far as the bsn products, ill just use them until i run out and i will start something else. im going to modify my workout to do more compound lifts with heavier weight. also, i did one of those cheap bio-impedance body fat tests today, it said i was 11% bf. i knows thats bs, im atleast 15%, so im gonna try and find someone to do a skinfold test. thanks for all the help, much appreciated.

No way you are 15% in my opinion. Although those things are pretty inaccurate, I think 11% seems close.

I’d say ur 13-14% mate.