Critique My Next Routine

Goals: Get stronger in olympic lifts. Gain a bit of mass, particularly in my lagging upper back.

Snatches 6x3
Zottman Curls 5x5
Close-grip bench press 5x5

Box Squats 5x3
Weighted Chins 5x5
Front Squats 5x5
Cable Row 3x8
Incline Bench 3x8

One Arm Snatch 6x3
Gorilla Chins 3x8
Dumbbell Military Press 3x8
Seated Incline Row 3x8

Clean and Jerks 6x3
Wide-Grip Pullups 5x5
Stiff-legged deadlift 2x12
Cable Pull 2x12
One-Arm Row 2x12

Deadlift Walks 3x5
Side-grip pullups 3x8
Chest Dips 3x8
Bar row 3x8

I’ll probably change up the oly lifts loading to include heavier, 1 or 2 rep sets. Moreso for clean and jerks, cause I still need to make a couple minor adjustments in form on my snatch

Diet wise, generally a Berardi-ish plan, low carb on non-workout days. Surge during and after workouts and a protein + carb meal an hour or two after that, otherwise all fat+protein meals.


I’m starting this shit tomorrow

I added sitting extensions for thursday. Also thinking no need for two squats on tuesday, and so I’ll add front squats on friday. I’m also missing a Lunge variation. Where could I put this in? Maybe Wednesday?

shut up and lift kid

Seems like a lot of frequency, even the most hardcore total body guys I think would agree. Total body workouts 5 days a week is pretty tough to recover from if your going to be doing a high enough intensity to gain strength on. Your volume is really low though, so you might be alright.
Good luck

I figured if I wanted to do oly lifts 3 days a week and at the same time gain mass I’d have to increase the frequency otherwise there wouldn’t be enough total volume throughout the week.

Hey blade, it looks good, and you may be able to do it, but its not a great program for getting your goals.

A couple of things I notice.

1.) split the c&j up into two movements. You can do more weight that way.

2.) You have a lot of exercises that dont necessarily relate to o-lifts.

If your serious about getting those o-lifts up, you gotta practice them frequently. Even up to 5 days a week, if you can recover from it. Also, are you trying to compete in O-lifting or just doing them for the benefits they offer. If your not gonna compete you can modify the exercises to get the benefits easier. The lifts you should focus on depend on your weakneses, but I would start with these:

Power clean
Deadlift and Snatch grip deadlift
Front squat
Push press or jerk
Power clean

And if you have the energy add in CGBP, pullups, and highpulls.

Your highest intensity work should be spent on power cleans, front squat (or back squats) and jerks.

For snatches, and full cleans, use less weight, but still perform few reps per set. 6x2 or 10x1 is fine starting with weights as low as 75% of your max. This is practice, and its necessary to use lower weights with minimal fatigue to make your form more efficient.

Im sure you’ll have no problems reaching your goals. Its pretty hard to do o-lifts and not get a big upper back. Good luck, hope this helped.

My goals aren’t just to up the oly lifts but to also gain mass all around. That’s why there’s all these other lifts. I also don’t plan to compete any time soon.

I forgot to mention that on Snatch day I plan to do some assistance work, like snatch pulls, slow snatch, and drop/catch.

My personal sticking points is the catch of the clean and pull from the waist on the snatch.

Maybe it would pay to add in power cleans on Monday and Push press on Sunday? I’d like to spread it out if I can so I get all the major movements in each day.

OK. I think I’ll change the snatches more to two reps or so. For Cleans my form is alright, though the first day I did get fatigued and had trouble catching in a clean way (like it didn’t always land right and I got a bruise on my shoulder), so I guess I should use lighter rep ranges there too. At the same time I think my form is good in general for those so it’d pay to do a couple heavy sets. What do you think?
