Critique My Deadlift Form?

Whats up guys. I have not had a training partner in some time and I am really trying to get my form in all 3 lifts down pat. Definitely need other sets of eyes besides me making suggestions. What good and bad do you see?

I think I need to work on my starting position and drop my hips a little lower. Lockout looks stronger to me and right off the floor looks and felt weaker.

Let me know what you think

I’m not gonna pretend to know the in and outs of dl form since I made a forum asking for advice on it, but just to get another lifter’s perspective I’ll say that your hips look plenty low. You dont want to squat it up, so I think you are fine there, but it almost looked like you hitched it up slightly. Which may be why your lockout was so strong. Just keep it one smooth motion, your legs may finish before your back, if you just gotta finish strong with your back at the top of the lift. A belt may help your form feel more solid

everything looks good, and for the Belt issue JC brought up, only use a belt for your 1RM testing. I never use a belt till competition so when I use a belt I can add weight to the lift.

If you want to train Dead Lifts don’t train straight Dead Lift. When I train I do couple inches below the knee on the rack because I know I can pick up the weight till below the knee.

Pretty good. You may need a little more flexibility in the shoulders/upperback so that you can keep your chest up a bit more, without pushing your hips down. My 2 cents is that if you can manage to keep your chest up you’ll be able to make it more of a single explosive motion pushing through the bar. It was discussed in JC Tree Trunks post, and in the 6 tips to dominate the deadlift article that keeping the lats tight can help with your pull off the floor. As far as I can tell, keeping the lats tight and the chest upright are very related to one another. Might also help to stop looking in the mirror and look at a higher point…give yourself a second to get set in that position and then go instead of firing it out as soon as you throw your head up like in the video

[quote]@JC_Tree_Trunks wrote:
I’m not gonna pretend to know the in and outs of dl form since I made a forum asking for advice on it, but just to get another lifter’s perspective I’ll say that your hips look plenty low. You dont want to squat it up, so I think you are fine there, but it almost looked like you hitched it up slightly. Which may be why your lockout was so strong. Just keep it one smooth motion, your legs may finish before your back, if you just gotta finish strong with your back at the top of the lift. A belt may help your form feel more solid[/quote]

Yeah, I am going to belt up next week and get into the 90%+ range depending how I feel. I will try to post another video to make sure my form holds up.

[quote]RobmoriRB wrote:
If you want to train Dead Lifts don’t train straight Dead Lift. When I train I do couple inches below the knee on the rack because I know I can pick up the weight till below the knee.[/quote]

Right. I am a little weaker off the floor so I am working on incorporating some deficit deadlifts from a box. I still like doing lock out work like you mentioned too.

[quote]BigJc wrote:
Pretty good. You may need a little more flexibility in the shoulders/upperback so that you can keep your chest up a bit more, without pushing your hips down. My 2 cents is that if you can manage to keep your chest up you’ll be able to make it more of a single explosive motion pushing through the bar. It was discussed in JC Tree Trunks post, and in the 6 tips to dominate the deadlift article that keeping the lats tight can help with your pull off the floor. As far as I can tell, keeping the lats tight and the chest upright are very related to one another. Might also help to stop looking in the mirror and look at a higher point…give yourself a second to get set in that position and then go instead of firing it out as soon as you throw your head up like in the video


I am not a flexible guy so no argument there. Good point with keeping the chest high…that is something I focus on with the squat so much and for some reason “forget” about it when I deadlift. That is something I will try to improve on next week.