Hey guys, i just recently broke my own personal record of 420 by 10 lbs and pulled 430 without TOOOO much trouble. I was just wondering if yall could tell me what yall thought about my form. Thanks so much fella’s
if you want to hear me make stupid sounds click on this one lol.
i guess i have no idea how difficult that was for you, but from how quick you got it up without much hitching or anything, id assume you could go even heavier
I mean it felt solid. The biggest thing im afraid of is getting injured. I just got a new belt from APT so that makes me feel a little more comfortable but i guess i just like taking my time so as i have less a chance of getting injured. Ill prolly try 440 on Thursday and see how things go.
Not bad for a PR. Back was rounded due to your hip rising faster than they should have, and it was difficult from that angle to see if you had enough glute activation for a proper lockout, but the lock out looked decently good for a pr.
Ha, well i am trying to psych myself out. alot of this is mental, ehh im just experimenting AND i was waiting for the good part of my song to hit. Preciate all the comments fella’s
Take this with a grain of salt, as I am a pretty small new guy.
I think the weakest part of the lift was the lockout. It looked like a major back hyperextension versus firing the glutes to bring your body to pelvic neutral. If you pause the video at the lockout you are leaning backwards pretty hardcore. Zagman already mentioned this, but I think your lockout could use the most work. This is exactly how I managed to herniate L5-S1 about 6 weeks ago, so learn from my mistakes! I was using my back and hamstrings too much during the lift, and almost stiff-legging the weight up … that, coupled with a slightly rounded back and a shitty lockout led to my disc injury. I have not deadlifted since mid July as a result.
I agree with 2 things. Do your psyching up before you get to the bar. That knelling position stretches out the quads and could cause a stabilization problem with the knees. It’s hard to tell from the angle and the quality of the clip, but I’m not sure if your knees locked out. I’d have to give you a RED light because of it.
NIce. The lockout needs some attention. Please do not take this the wrong way but at 430lbs you are wearing a lot of gear. Belt, wraps, straps etc. The irony for me is that you DL barefoot. Elano has a point. Lighten up and do more raw work. It really does make you stronger.
If needs be, pull you head further up as in look higher.
Do you do rack deadlifts ??
If not i would GREATLY advise you to put these in, will help with the whole “snap” effect as i call it.
Set the pins just belew the knees and see how fast you can generate power to “snap” back to neutral.
Your hips seem not to be going 1st, which is VERY important… if you dont thrust forward then your leaving yourself with alot of scope for rounding of your back and stiff legging the weight up.
ALso if your not doing em, i would incorparate Bulgarian Squats into your routine, wake up your glutes from their slumber.
[quote]NewDamage wrote:
Personally I think you’re losing a lot of power by doing so much crap before the lift.
I like walking up to the bar, getting my feet set properly, then grabbing the bar, dipping down and pulling.
Lingering too long in the low position tends to ruin my strength.
However, if you feel strong doing what you’re doing, the rest of your form doesn’t look too bad. So as long as you’re progressing, keep it up.
Good pull![/quote]
I’m with you on this, I gotta move quick once I’m in position. If not, my legs get all tight, my arms jello up and I lose my ‘drive’. When that happens I gotta stand up, walk it off and then reset myself. It’s usually when I just walk up, get in there, get ready, few deep breaths and then pull.
Good lift though, hope I can get to that weight eventually. Yesterday I got to 325 lbs. 430 is a ways away I suppose, but at the same time, I remember my first time a few months ago when I was impressed doing 225lb. Progress is progress…
[quote]RWElder0 wrote:
NIce. The lockout needs some attention. Please do not take this the wrong way but at 430lbs you are wearing a lot of gear. Belt, wraps, straps etc. The irony for me is that you DL barefoot. Elano has a point. Lighten up and do more raw work. It really does make you stronger.[/quote]
Not looking for a huge debate or anything but…I’m a bit confused. How is a belt and straps “a lot of gear” for 430? I mean, I know I’m a total gear whore, but I always thought a nice stiff belt was pretty much standard for max effort pulls and while I’m not a fan of straps, he’s not doing a PL comp, so it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal.