I’ve been dealing with scapular winging for a while now. I have it in both sides, but more on the left side.
I think I know how to engage the serratus anterior. However, when I do so, I feel like a “blockage” that doesn’t allow the scapulae to retract and makes my scapulae feel more or less like in a lat spread.
For retracting I tried 2 options:
- Force through it (it feels as if there were “obstacles” or “glue”, but still moves), and I don’t feel the scaps touching “each other” as I am used to (in my days doing rows with “bad form” [winging and over-engage of upper traps]).
- Let the scaps be “above” the blockage, it feels smoother, the scaps “touch”, but I had to let loose a bit of the serratus. Even so, I am still forcing muscles to “posteriorly tilt” the scap, including I suppose serratus and lower traps.
That been said, both take me a lot of focus to perform, even though (2.) feels more like when I was doing “bad form”, and from seeing it, it seems that it is the downward rotation of the scaps that allows that.
I’d really appreciate it if anyone knows what I’m dealing with and has some tips for my progress in this moment / is able to notice which of the ways to retract the scaps (1.) or (2.) is the correct one (see videos below).
Here there are video links to both of these:
(1.) https://youtu.be/IYKQV0Yl828
(2.) https://youtu.be/N6V8ImRIExQ
Some extra info:
-I feel my traps on my bad side tight ever since I’ve been trying to row like this. This feeling is present when I protract and when I retract, similar to soreness in biceps, but tight.
-Scapulae anteriorly tilts when I am not consciously using the serratus at least slightly.
-Very weak on retraction when trying technique (1.) on rows (working on it)
Appreciate any responses