Hi Bron,
Thanks for the message. Sorry I didn’t reply sooner.
Up until this week actually, I’ve been on a basic split program (lifting 4 or 5 times a week, depending on my work schedule), with typically one or two days of some sort of full body HIIT workout. On lifting days, I alternated between steady state cardio and HIIT training (sprints, ab circuits, or something similar).
After a year of split programming, I decided to take on a weekly full body workout routine. One or two major powerlifts 3 days a week (high sets, low reps), with six or seven accessory lifts. On the other days, I do mainly accessory work and more cardio.
My diet is pretty simple.
In the morning, I typically have some sort of a combination of low-sugar oatmeal, a protein shake, and eggs. It all depends on what I have time for before work.
I bring my lunches to work. For lunch I’ll have a protein (tuna, chicken breast, or salmon) with some veggies, and maybe a banana or apple (I TRY to avoid apples, but it’s so hard to!). I am a TV reporter, and someone is always bringing donuts or something similar to the newsroom. I allow myself one once in a while – but only if I’m deadlifting or squatting that day. I tell myself I’ll burn the sugar off, haha.
For dinner, I have a protein again, veggies, and maybe some cheese. I’ve considered giving up dairy though, as this may contribute to my problem.
Also, I don’t drink alcohol. I haven’t since January of 2014.
As for supplements, I use Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey. I have considered fat burners, but of course, my friends have talked me out of that.
I fear my birth control really is the problem. I’m on an ortho cyclen. I have strongly considered discontinuing the medication. If I knew for sure it was the cause of my problems, I most likely would.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you again!
[quote]Bron Sapir wrote:
Hi Olivia,
It sounds like you’ve made some great improvements in the past year since you started training.
Just keep at it because the results will continue to come over time and you mentioned that you have “a baby 4-pack” which is not a bad thing and you can only improve from this point. As you continue to train you will build more muscle and the abs will be much more prominent when you get lean.
The issues with bloating and overall visibility of abs could be due to a number of different issues so I don’t want to make any assumptions, so I’ll ask you a few more questions…
What is your current training program like?
Current diet?
Supplements you are taking?
Avoiding sodium all together isn’t you best choice because your body needs the sodium for regular function and if you restrict sodium and then eat a sodium rich meal you will bloat up like a balloon. The bloating might also have something to do with the type of birth control you use, I know a lot of girlfriends who have experienced extra water retention and abdominal bloating because of the hormone fluctuations.
Keep in mind a lot of photos you see online of women are from stage or from photoshoots which are not accurate indications of an “everyday look” it’s something that takes months of preparing for and this is the finished product on show day. Don’t be discouraged because you’ll get there too if your dedicated and give it time.
Post a picture of your abs if you are up to it and then I can see where you’re at 
Ps… You didn’t break any unwritten rules here, basically anything goes so don’t be shy.[/quote]