I work with the public and hear a lot about a lot. I have one of the self proclaimed trainer of those whom believe they know all. He was trying to give me a “hot tip” on a supplement that delivers everything you want to achieve. It is called CORDYCEPS, a mushroom -like fungus/parasite. I took what he said with a grain of salt. What do you all think?
I think TC made mention of this in a Muscle Media issue. Maybe he’ll chime in on this one …
bump- thanks poophead, I’ll check that out. Anyone else know anything?
[quote]bdfrogs wrote:
I work with the public and hear a lot about a lot. I have one of the self proclaimed trainer of those whom believe they know all. He was trying to give me a “hot tip” on a supplement that delivers everything you want to achieve. It is called CORDYCEPS, a mushroom -like fungus/parasite. I took what he said with a grain of salt. What do you all think?[/quote]
Why did you take the salt? Was that part of the sodium loading protocol?
It is suppose to do everything! It started as an adaptogen that would supossily increase oxygen utilization and energy. The Chinese use it and after they had a few wins at the Olypics everyone accredited the mushrooms. From there it has been label for everything - cholesterol lowering, blood pressure regulation, etc, heck… probably even a larger penis. Anyway as far as I know most all of the studies went something like this:
~Hey, this group of people have lower cholesterol than this group.
~Hey, that group eats Hot and Sour soup and that has Cordyceps in it.
~Cordyceps must lower cholesterol!!!
Might work, might not; I tried it from a bulk powder supplier (pm me for info if you want) and didn’t notice anything at all, and no results on blood work either, again though - might work…
Zap, actually I did do the sodium loading. It seemed to do everything he said it would. Ha ha.
Tomato, thanks for the input. I might try it if I get bored of all the other supplements in my arsenal already. My girlfriend doesn’t want me to take it, if it gives me a larger penis. Just kidding.