Anyone Tried Cordyceps?

Has anybody tried the fungus? If so, what were the results? Do you reccomend a certain product?

I’ll use a phrase the Prof X used in reference to it. I wouldn’t “stock up” on it, meaning that you shouldn’t spend your first supplement dollars on it. If you have some left over, then go ahead and try it. Just don’t put it anywhere near the top of your supplement list. With that said, it’s not toxic and ‘could’ be a good supplement; there’s just not good research on it.

I’ve taken it and didn’t notice any sort of instant result.

In the future I’ll try to take it more. PM me if you want the brand.

It has a low toxicity and other than than has limited research behind it from what I know. Maybe it has benefits if you take it for a longer period of time. I’d like to hear if anyone else has noticed anything significant.

CW (Chad Waterbury) said, “I remember trying it probably 4-5 years ago, and it had a strong CNS stimulatory effect that seemed to cause it to gain a small following.”

It’s been said to have a T boosting effect in rats, but that’s doubtful to carry over to humans because, and I quote, [quote]Soldierslim wrote: The reason being that compounds which increase catecholamine levels and beta 2-adrenergic agonists have been fairly well-documented in terms of increasing testosterone production in mice.[/quote] Forums - T Nation - The World's Trusted Community for Elite Fitness <–although honestly I don’t completely understand the science there, but it sounds good.

I have taken it off and on and would agree with tiger’s prioritization of it. It actually is quite good as an adrenal tonic so if you had adrenal fatigue maybe.