Im basically intermediate level lifter as far as strength and power. This is the first real program I’ve sat down to write out. Started this routine a week ago after a layoff from a move. Im not looking to be shot down just general ideas if it sounds like a decent program for intermediate hybrid. Kinda P.H.A.T-ish, Waterbury-ish, but not totally like anything. Here it is…
Mon. Bench 10x3@75% +5#s a week dropping all failed sets
Military Press. 4x4-6
Chest Iso. 4x8-10
Delt Iso. 4x8-10
Tricep Iso 4x8-10
Tue. High Pull 10x3@75%(Same as bench)
T-Bar Row. 4x4-6
Lat Iso. 4x8-10
Bicep Iso. 4x8-10
Rear Delt . 4x8-10
Wed. Squat (same as bench)
Hip Thrust. 4x4-6
Leg Extension. 4x10-12
Calve Iso. 4x12-15
Glute/Ham Iso. 4x10-12
Fri. Bench. 6-8x3@75% (speed day)
High Pull. 6-8x3@75%
Push/Pull superset 2x10-15
Bi/Tricep superset 3x10-15
Sat. Deadlift up to 2RM alternate rack pulls or other variations each week
Squat. 6-8x2@75% (speed day)
Calve Iso. 3x10-15
Farmers walks