I am considering beginning some of Paul Chek’s correspondence courses and modules on the way to becoming a practitioner. Has any one done this? Im sure the course is of high quality, but what sort of position would this lead to - more the training of athletes or working in a rehab clinic. If anyone has comments or thoughts pertaining to his course and what it covers or other courses for comparison I would appreciate them before investing all that money. Cheers!
Myself and my partner[female wilderbeast] have started doing the Chek short courses. The content is very indepth and well researched, and very useful for a personal trainer or a health care professional.Having been to one of Paul’s seminars, and heard what he has to say on the medical profession I’m not surprised that he’s disliked by them. Overall the courses are of use, and so far, I’d say worth the money, but they’re not the be all and end all of training.