finished reading Chek Mark for Success, Volume 1 and i wanted to know people’s opinion about the man (good, bad whatever, anectodes…whatever)
finished reading Chek Mark for Success, Volume 1 and i wanted to know people’s opinion about the man (good, bad whatever, anectodes…whatever)
Does anyone know the man
I had a real bad back problem that no one could help me with. I went to see a CHEK specialist and I’m now all better…
I think his programs are great for rehab, but not of much use for un-injured athletes
i think i has experience with athletes concerning strength and conditioning. i would think that he walks the talk concnerning strength dont<t you think .
He’s build like a rock and he’s healthy…that’s not bad
did a physician, doctor refer you to a Chek specialist
Well I didn’t say his stuff was useless for athletes… but I think you can get better, more direct work elsewhere
I went to a Chek specialist after reading some articles by Paul Chek here on T-Mag.
[quote]Watson2K5 wrote:
Well I didn’t say his stuff was useless for athletes… but I think you can get better, more direct work elsewhere
I went to a Chek specialist after reading some articles by Paul Chek here on T-Mag.[/quote]
Paul Chek is nothing more than a SELF-PROMOTER who endeavors to sell merchandise and certifications. His analytical proccess is backwards: he seeks research that supports his preconcieved ideas and ignores everything else, and he openly admits to this because he thinks it’s the correct way to do things and is totally ignorant of scientific method. He is absolutely full of shit.
His ideas seem to work for some people, so he can’t be all bad.
Even if his treatments have a placebo effect, then he must be a decent psychologist.
I think Paul Chek’s stuff is interesting. At my gym, we have a lot of trainers who are certified by him and have been training many many years. I feel that they are too anal about correcting problems so they never end up making much progress.
In the past year, I have surpassed most of them in terms of strength gains from pure hardwork and “basic T-Nation” type knowledge. It all depends on your goals I guess.
[quote]marijuologist wrote:
Watson2K5 wrote:
Well I didn’t say his stuff was useless for athletes… but I think you can get better, more direct work elsewhere
I went to a Chek specialist after reading some articles by Paul Chek here on T-Mag.
Paul Chek is nothing more than a SELF-PROMOTER who endeavors to sell merchandise and certifications. His analytical proccess is backwards: he seeks research that supports his preconcieved ideas and ignores everything else, and he openly admits to this because he thinks it’s the correct way to do things and is totally ignorant of scientific method. He is absolutely full of shit. [/quote]
I don’t know anything about the guy, but based on what marijuologist has posted elsewhere I would take this with a grain of salt.
He’s worked with top guys (Charles Poliquin, Kim goss, Jerry telle)
is every top strength coach a SELF-PROMOTER, to the point selling us certifications and books?
I feel that the industry has become too much about impressing s&c community than helping it.
[quote]posture_ap wrote:
He’s worked with top guys (Charles Poliquin, Kim goss, Jerry telle)
is every top strength coach a SELF-PROMOTER, to the point selling us certifications and books?
I feel that the industry has become too much about impressing s&c community than helping it.[/quote]
If self-promotion was a bad thing then Pavel would be in serious trouble!
Don’t you comrades all agree…whahahaha
what was your back problem specifically?
what did other people do to treat it.
what did the chekie do that actually made a difference?
Like I said, his stuff was great for my rehab where other’s failed. I hadn’t been exposed to any his advertising, I had just read 1 article here on T-mag.
I went through 5 doctors and 2 physical therapists over 3 years, my condition just got worse and worse and I couldn’t lift, I lost plenty of good gains over it.
I wouldn’t go to a CHEK specialist if I wanted to see a physique change but they are great at injury rehab.
Maybe I’m just a special case, or maybe his stuff is junk but the therapist I saw knew what she was doing.