[quote]Gregus wrote:
Professor X wrote:
SSC wrote:
Gregus wrote:
SSC wrote:
D3HT09 wrote:
I’ve found it to be a symbol of southern heritege (sp?). There is really nothing racist about it.
P.S. I’m a northern boy
Sometimes… But I’ve also seen them used in highly antagonizing ways against minority communities, just to provoke reactions and hostility. It’s a big “Fuck You,” as far as I’m concerned.
And seriously, what do people in the south have to be proud about? That it’s hot? That Mississippi is like the worst state in the nation (sans Indiana.) Or maybe that they have the best conference in college football?
I don’t get it. They [i]LOST[/i] the war. It’d be like romping around down in Vietnam with an American flag, sticking our tongues out at them. Whaa?
So my answer: It’s niether pride nor bigotry. It’s hillbilly-ism.
You’re being ignorant of someone else’s culture right there. You also assume that because some idiots use it to antagonize minorities it must be a racist symbol. It is a racist symbol only to them, if you know what i’m saying.
No, I’m not being ignorant. I come from a hick area. No one around here is from the south, yet the rock their Confederate flags. Most people (I KNOW) who have them know damn well the underlying connotations the flag represents, and are perfectly fine with it. Most of these people also drive big ‘ol trucks, and have huntin’ and fishin’ decals on there, and most of them probably have a can of Skoal or twelve in their glove compartments. So again, I’ll answer again. It’s niether pride nor bigotry - It’s HILLBILLYISM.
What people from the South don’t realize is that we do the EXACT same shit up here. Except it’s really fucking cold for half of the year. It’s not a “Southern” lifestyle.
But if I’m wrong, please, enlighten me. What does the almighty Confederate flag represent? (If you’re a Southerner, I’m serious. I’m truly interested.) I’d be really surprised to hear that all those folks are truly proud of losing a war in which they defended slavery.
In the South it is commonly understood that there is some racist connotation to the more current use of that symbol. I am not sure why people try to deny this or act like it doesn’t matter.
No, most black people today don’t give a shit and it will take more than that to piss someone off…
Commonly understood by who? People of like mindedness? You state that people act like it does not matter, and then go on to say how to black people it indeed does not matter. So if it does not matter to anyone then it should be good to go.
And once again, the civil war was not fought over slavery. Attaching the flag to this issue is a stupid stereotype, one where you will be able to find and support your dislike for it. Much like a black kid wearing a shirt with a big “X” on it. Wouldn’t it be stereotypical of me to assume he hates whites and partakes in militant Islam?
I am amazed you think the way you do.
Most young black people today didn’t grow up around the same racism that their parents did. I know what the flag means around here and how it has been used because I can remember when its more racist aspect was more blatant and people reacted more towards it. You seem to think that there can be no progression of racist sentiment or reaction to it. That makes no sense.