I’ve heard people ask, “How is gay rights in your face?” Here is an example; in Milwaukee they have a bunch of flags all over the “main drag” of the city, they are all from different countries, and that’s fine. But they also have some gay flags scattered every couple of blocks.
Personally, I don’t care. But why are they up there? Are homosexuals a country now? That kind of stuff is silly and hints at a “sneaky” way to get everyone to embrace homosexuals
It’s just the fact that they’re not a country, so why are they up there?
Dude the only reason why they have all of these stupid ass gay rights stuff and gay pride parades and flags and everything else is b/c we discriminate against them. Seriously. They are just affirming themselves and proving to themselves that its really Ok to be who they are and if society didnt look down on it so much we wouldnt have to have it - lumbernac
lumbernac wrote:
"Dude the only reason why they have all of these stupid ass gay rights stuff and gay pride parades and flags and everything else is b/c we discriminate against them. Seriously. They are just affirming themselves and proving to themselves that its really Ok to be who they are and if society didnt look down on it so much we wouldnt have to have it - lumbernac "
Dude, if they can put a flag up, why cant the KKK or the Black Panthers or the boyscouts?
I love how the only thing I ever hear on campus is that I am trying to shove my beliefs down other ppls throats. Dude, do what you want, i dont care. The best are the groups that hand out flyers that they are sick of the religous right trying to force their belief system on them. I have yet to ever have anything of any religous nature handed to me or spouted out to me on this campus. I havent even seen anything pinned up on walls. How are they forcing their beliefs on someone if they dont even vocalize them?
The only ones pushing their beliefs in ppls faces seem to be the ones shouting that they dont want ppls beliefs pushed in their faces…
its not about pushing their beliefs in your face i think. Its more like saying “we’re here & we’re queer”, being proud, and saying we wont let you walk all over us cause we’re gay!
I dont know, i go down south & almost everyone has a confederate flag up. They’re not a country (although maybe some of them would like to be ? O.o) Although theres alot of controversy over it, and being from the north… Well, i did ask some southerners why they put the confederate flag up, and they said its because they take pride in being from the south. In the meantime =P
Umm, fags do have they’re own country. Does nobody listen to me? All gays are crab people in diguise with the hidden agenda of taking over our country.
On a different note, confederate flags are not endorsed by the city/govt. You will only see individuals with them, not flying above street corners.
A former colleague of mine was/is openly gay. One time at work we were talking about all of the “gay pride” parades…the flags they fly…and other tactics at self validation a many of the militant homosexuals engage in. It was intersesting that he thought the “gay pride” stuff was pretty stupid. After all…he was a college graduate working in the medical field and also finishing up his doctorate in hypnotherapy. He didn’t feel he needed validation of his “homosexuality” via any flag…parade…or celebration of any kind…Who he was…and what he was accomplishing in his chosen profession(s) were the source of his “pride” and self worth. I found him on to be one of the most intellectually honest people I had EVER talked with about the whole issue!
Its also interesting to note that even HE found the “gay parades”…replete with their provacative dress and lude…in your face…sexuality…REPULSIVE.
Merlin, obviously you havent been to the south east lol
I think S.C had a confederate flying above their courthouse for awhile, I think it was ultimately taken down. And so did other state/city official buildings down there. But i havent been there since before that happend.
Also, a city official building waving a rainbow flag doesnt neccessarily make the waiver homosexual.
My neighbors across the street are gay, and like PtrDr said, they don’t flaunt their sexuality in front of everyone. In fact, they kind of shy away from the “pride parade” type activities because it’s just not who they are. The younger of the couple has a very modest sticker on his vehicle but nothing obtuse.
They are both proffesional guys, one is a contractor and the other is a Sherrifs Deputy. (Yes the joke about only needing a Native American and a leather clad biker to make up the Village people has been mentioned to them before. Their lives are generally like everone elses up and down the street, they work in the yard, they pull down decent dough, the only difference is that they’re banging each other and their house looks like it belongs in Santa Fe.
The new season kicks off with a bang that quickly fizzles. Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny all return to their familiar roles as the foul-mouthed little kids of South Park. However, the premier finds their quiet mountain town succumbing to a fad of metrosexuality, inspired by the show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. All the men of the town, except for Kyle, are turning into metrosexuals ? straight men who act in a stereotypically gay manner and get lots of manicures. Its up to Kyle and his teacher, the flamboyant Mr. Garrison, to save the world from the metrosexuality fad, which turns out to be a ploy by evil crab people to weaken the earth’s men so they can take over. Yes, another typical day in South Park.
DA MAN:Dude, if they can put a flag up, why cant the KKK or the Black Panthers or the boyscouts?
All groups are not created, or treated equal. And they dont have the same political leverage either. Idealism and idealist arguments like yours just wont cut it in real life. There is not such thing as equality. It is just a dream. Sorry to bust your bubble.
You just need to have a couple of friends in high places who have had homosexual (or worse) behavior they want to hide and, tada!, you`re set for all the blackmailing you need (and by the rebound all the favors you need form the system) in this world.
Pink power is far more widespread than people think. I guess fags catched it far more quicker than any other extreme/different/activist group and were smart enough to use it in the shadows. And men will confess tons of stuff, like Nazi affiliations, infidelity, etc. before admitting unexpected, out-of-character sexual practices.
Sexual blackmailing…what a way to control without investing too much…every body`s got a skeleton in the closet. Some skeletons stink more than others.
I actually had a friend/ collegue that is gay he told me he wish he was straight and all those people that are making noise that are gay probably are not. The one that are truelly gay ususually do not want the others to know.
Not, because he or she is afraid to come out but becuase they are ashamed of what they are. Especially if they have some sort of christianity religon. At least thats what he was trying to tell me.
“On a different note, confederate flags are not endorsed by the city/govt. You will only see individuals with them, not flying above street corners.”
Not true, some states actually have the confederate flag incorporated into the state flag, others fly the flag just under the state flag. It’s a “southern pride” thing.
you don’t have to be an official country just to wave a flag. it’s a symbol. that’s it. the boy scouts have one, the masons, various moose/goat/cow-type lodges, heraldry flags for living history and re-enactment groups, high school teams, college teams…
Yah! No kidding about the southern flag thing… its all about telling other people to kiss off of telling me what to do all the time. Im a southern boy and love my texas / rebel flags haha.