So I have finally decided to post on a forum. I decided I will only ask for other peopleâ??s time when I deserve it. Now training for almost 16 months around 10 months (properly â?? you know what I mean). So the problem: I am trying to get to a lean sub 10% body fat. Once I get there, I can maintain that whilst growing â?? albeit slowly (Iâ??m not for extreme bulk an cuts) BUT I seem to have hit a plateu. I just canâ??t lose that stubborn bit of belly fat. Below is what I am doing and have been now for many months.
Diet (Following Layne Nortonâ??s Ultimate Cutting Diet ratios)
7.30 - Breakfast (Porridge): 40g Oats, 50g Whey (P: 40, C: 35, F:4)
10.30 â?? Meal 2 (Chicken & Broccoli): 150g Chicken Breast, 100g Broc (P:40, C:6, F: 3)
13.30 â?? Meal 3 (Same as Above)
16.00 â?? Pre Workout (Chicken & Broc, banana, apple), (P:44, C: 60, F: 3)
18.00 - During Workout (40g Whey & 30g Maltodextrin), (P:35, C:37, F:1)
20.00- Post Workout (Chkn & Broc & Brown Rice) Same as above and 70g B.Rice (P:47, C:50,F:5)
Protein: 250g, Carbs:195g, Fats: 65g Total Cals 2200.
Training Below: (I follow this to the letter)
Monday Legs:
Squats (5 reps 3 sets), Leg Press (15x3), Quad Raises (15x3), Calf Raises (15 x 3), Ham Curls (15 x3).
Tuesday Shoulders & Core:
Arnold Press (15x 3), [Super Set x 3] Front Raise & Side Raise (15 x 3), Shrugs (15 x 3), [SSx3] Hanging Leg Raises (failure) & Med Ball Slams (20)
Wednesday Back & Biceps:
Deadlifts (5x3), [SS x 3] Pullups (Failure) & Bent over Barbell Row (15), [SS x 3] Low Row & Band Pull-Aparts. Twisting
Bicep Curls (15 x 3)
Thursday Cricket Training:
Consider this HIIT Training 2 hours elapsed time, about 30 min of actual effort.
Friday Chest & Tri
Bench Press (5x3) , [SSx3] Decline Dumbell Flys(15) & Press ups(Failure), Cable Crossovers (15 x 3), [SS x 3] Lying Tricep Extensions & Skull Crushers.
Saturday Match Day. Sunday Rest.
Fish Oil (Omega 3 & 9) - 1 pill twice daily.
CLAâ??s - 1 pill 3 times daily.
BCAAâ??s â?? 2 pills twice daily.
Iâ??ve tried pre workout supplement Jack3d and found just listening to the right music beforehand was more effective.
Height 5ft 9, 176 pounds 12% BF
1 rep Max (Converted from Kilo to Pounds)
Bench: 192 (I F****d up my rotator cuff whilst â??noobishlyâ?? benching on the smiths machine.)
Squat : 264 (Below Parallel)
Deadlift: 375
For me this is not some short term fix, itâ??s a new lifestyle and one I am proud to say despite what others think.
So thatâ??s it, thanks in advance.