Whats up T-Nation?
I need some input.
I have been lifting pretty much consistently (3 days a week or more) for the past 14 years. I had some big years and now I am trying to restructure my body. I am in my early thirties, my knee joints are worn out from sports, and I am ready to just sit around 10 percent body fat and under 200. Currently, I am 6 foot 2 195. I measure at 12.5 percent body fat using a hand held unit. I want to get down to 10 percent. I am not sure how I need to approach this because I spent the majority of my lifting years trying to get damn big. I have posted some pics of me in the last few months, one is flexed the other is casual. Please note, I have always suffered from skinny not cut, I guess this is called ectomorph. My big days I was 240 and pretty strong but goals and life has changed.
My current routine is similar to dogg crapp training in structure, with the last set being a hard working triple drop set on most exercises.
3 days a week lifting alternating workouts between 1, 2, 3, 4. 1 and 3 focus on chest, shoulders, tris, and back. 2 and 4 focus on biceps, forearms, calves, hams, quads.
1: Incline Bench, Smith Shoulder Press, Weighted Dips, Weighted Pullups, BB Bent Over Rows
2: Curls on Curl Bar, Hammer Curls, Calf Press, Seated Leg Curl, Hack Squats (bad knees)
3: Incline DB Press, Standing BB Press, Skullcrushers, Weighted Pullups to back of head, Stiff Leg Deadlift
4: Preacher Curls, Forearm Curls, Calf Raises, Sumo Squat/Press, Leg Press
I am now throwing it some thai boxing 2 times a week. I would like to also implement some sort of HIIT cardio until I get my bf percentage down.
As for diet an example meal is:
breakfast: Protein fruit smoothie, couple egg whites
Prework: chicken, veggies, applesauce
Postworkout: chicken, veggies, applesauce
Dinner: Rice or potato, Beef or chicken, some veggies
Snacking: guilty of taking in around 350 or so calories of snacking, such as a cookie and chips etc.
I have work to do on the snacking.
Just so my goals are clear: get down to 10 percent body fat then maintain. Try to keep what muscle I do have currently.
What do I need to do?
Am I what some deem skinny fat? Not sure what that even means?
Do I need to put on size or would a cut down work effectively?
So any input would be great, thanks for looking.