Complex Training

Beautiful system for Strength/Power.
Charles Poliquin adapted it into his 1-6 principle, but I made it a 2-7 principle, similarly to King.

It consists of doing one set of maximal strength (2 reps, heavy weight) with a controlled tempo, and doing another set 3-5 minutes later with an explosive tempo (fast up, fast down), for 7 reps.

originally it seems it consisted of one set maximal strength followed by one set of plyometrics.

It will cause a short-term neural adaptation allowing you to lift slightly more in your higher rep, explosive tempo set than you would otherwise.

Also, the explosive tempo or plyometric exercise will improve the Rate of Force Development - which is how fast you’re able to apply full force.

It’s very interesting and I love the way it’s put.

Anybody else have experience with complex training?

[quote]Beautiful system for Strength/Power.
Charles Poliquin adapted it into his 1-6 principle, but I made it a 2-7 principle, similarly to King.[/quote]

Nice way to try to put yourself on the same level with these guys.

Great, so how does this fit into a program? Go 2-7-2-7-2-7 etc. for a given movement? Also, what studies have been done to show that the increased weight is moved at the exact same tempo as lower weight for all 7 reps (why not 6 or 8?), and what is the difference between poundages (i.e. instead of 50% of 1RM, use 55%). Also, does this have any carryover to long-term maximal strength gains, or just explosive ones? And how is this any different or more special than just lifting something heavy before lifting something lighter, so that the lighter weight will “feel” even ligther? I think certain forms of wave loading use this principle. I could be wrong.

Thanks for defining that term.


diesel is back from being a wannabe movie star. How nice.

how is it similar to king? king did a 6-1-6-1. Poliquin did a 1-6-1-6-1-6. When Poliqiun modified it, he made it a 2-5 rotation.

How can you be explosive for 7 consecutive reps?

Also, the complexes you have talked about have been discredited by none other than Louie himself.

How can it improve the rate of force development if the last few reps of the 7 get slower as you go? which is gonna happenif you are really exploding on each rep.

Jesus people. I’m not trying to put myself at the level of Ian King or Poliquin.

I know nothing compared to them - NOTHING.

It’s just a plain harmless sentence.

Jesus. Can’t open your mouth and get blasted with knives. I’m outta here.

Pretty soon you’ll have to post replies to your own threads because noone else will be around to do it.

Nice way to just respond to one smart ass statement by me. Now how about responding to our actual questions?


You seem awfully sensitive for a guy who likes to criticize others!

Yeah, I feel that way too when I’m all jacked up on chicken.

That protein causes RAGE, y’know?

Anybody see, "Something about Mary". "I got this great idea, eight minute abs, man."

“But what if someone comes out with a tape called seven minute abs?”


Rule number one, don’t pick up diesel if he’s hitch hiking.