So 8 days ago on my strength day for chest I was on my 11th out of 12th set for bench for the day, i was feeling perfect on all my other sets and the weight was going up pretty easy, better than normal actually. But on my 11th set i was supposed to do 275lb for 2. so i set up to bench and right when i lifted the bar off i knew something was off, my right pec\shoulder area hurt a little bit but i just ignored it like i usually do. I lower the bar down slowly for my first rep but then i hear a snapping sound. I’ve torn my hamstring before so i knew i torn something but it didn’t just pop like my hamstring, the tearing sound lasted a second not just instant. it didn’t really hurt but had a burning sensation. i put ice on it right away and just rested it the rest of the day.
At first i didn’t think it was a complete tear because there was really a divot like I’ve seen before on complete tears but its been 8 days since i tore it and the inflammation has gone away and i still don’t see any physical changes to it but when i flex it i can feel a flat spot where i tore it and there is still bruising in my bicep. So idk if it is a complete tear and i should go the the ER to get it check out or just keep rehabbing it myself?