im been forced into a shit commercial gym because my hardcore one is currently unavailble.
today me and my mate were in and doing legd. there only have a smith machine, NO BARS. so we were forced to squat in the smith machine…
we were going to parallel and squeezing out the hard reps.
this absolute fucking retarded fucktard, comes over and says my mate who according to him is “lanky” was grimacing at the bottom of the squat. so this obviously means that he is destroying his back. but apparently its ok for me to grimace at the bottom.
i challenged this retard with the fact im half an inch shorter than my mate so y is it ok for me? i also asked him how he thought we should strengthn are legs and backs then and he pointed me to the leg and back extension machines…
i laughed at him and continued1 squating. this fucktard knows my mates mum and went and got her out of a class and told her that i was hurting her son. she came over and asked what was going on… this guy went off on one, siting the fact that his son has a bad back and used to squat instantly making squating bad. she just looked at us and went “be careful lads” then walked off knowing this retard was infact a retard.
this guy qouldnt let it sit and went and got who he thought was a “PT”. but the guy he got is infact a rugby strength coach… he took are side and starting ripping this fat bastard out. then tubby mc tub tub walks off saying “well when ur in a wheelchair because of not squating,dont come crying to me”,
i retaliated with “when ur in a wheelchair from not squating, make sure to order a XXL one made of titanium”
i continued to squat, then did stiff leg DL and hack squats. he keep looking over and shaking his head.
he then challenged us again as we left the gym. i stood there and took the flack of him… then walked off without saying anything. ive just got back from the gym.
this guy was doing a circuit of the upper body machines, putting up the whole rack but using about 1/8 ROM on all movements and thought he was class. he was about 40, has the normal big biceps, tattoos to highlight the fact, A MASSIVE GUT. and was wearing tracksuit bottoms to hide the obvious stick legs beneath.
If this gym wasnt infact also my work id have headbutted the fat cunt!