Competing at Altitude

My girlfriend is entering a lacross tournament next month and it is being held in colorado, at altitude. outside of the obvious effects of altitude on performance, is there anything that she can do to adapt herself more quickly to altitude or minimize the negative effects. She will only be there for 3 or 4 days before the tournament begins.

By getting there a few days early, she’s really doing about all she can do. Most of the more prominent acclimatization changes (macronutrient utilization needs, etc.) with altitude are more applicable at extreme altitudes than at altitudes that are just high. Just make sure she’s well-hydrated and keep an eye on her appetite; with some individuals, dehydration and lack of appetite tend to be problems.

I second the hydration thing - have her drink water until she floats, then have her drink some more. This should help prevent the headaches that go along with high altitude.

From what I’ve read, people can adjust to 5,000 feet relatively quickly. The people who really hurt are the ones who come from sea level to go skiing up at around 10,000 feet. I live in Denver and even I get a bit nauseous sometimes when I go up and ski.

very cool, thanks guys.