Comments on Routine

i’ve been lifting for a while on and off… don’t have the best genetics for strength/power but whatever… Numbers are crappy…

Anyway this is the routine i’m thinking of doing for a while but i’m worried about the freqeuncy of heavy work and whether its too much and was hoping if you guys could give me your thoughts:

MON: Full body Heavy
tuck jumps 3x10
power clean from blocks set at knee level: buildup to 2x2, 3x1 and near max weights (PR tryies on the singles)
Squats: 2x3, 2x2 at 95-100% of my max for that given rep range, with the last double being a PR attempt
Bench press- 3x4 at 95-100%
goodmornings 3x5-7
GHR/leg curls 3x5
pull ups 3x5

Tues-running (intervals, continuous, tempo, etc whatever i’m in the mood for)

wed- Plyos/Olifts/assistance
3x10 box jumps
3x5 depth jumps
3x10 bounding
powercleans: 3x3, 2x2, 1x1 all at 95-100%, with the 1x1 being a PR attempt
clean and jerks 4x2 (95-100%)
Front squat- 3x5 one-two reps shy of failure each set
GHR/leg curls 3x5

Thurs-running (see tues)or off depending on how i’m feeling

Fri- OFF

Sat- HEavy full body (deadlift) day
tuck jumps 3x10
power snatch or hang snatch- 3x3, 2x2 (95-100%)
deadlift- 3x3, 1x2 (95-100%) PR try on the double
depth jumps 3x5
bul. split squats with dumbels or on smith machine 3x5-8
overhead press- 3x4 (95-100%)
GHR/leg curls 3x5

sun- running/conditioning

could switch the bench press to wednesday but still debating that…

i’m not sure about rotating exersises for now and how long i should stick with the same dead/squats variations… since i’m nowhere near elite i was thinking i can keep them the same for extended periods…

Olifts 3x/week is ok i’m guessing

Hope its not too much witht he heavy squats and deads in the same week.

Thanks for the input.

IMO thats an AWEFUL lot of heavy in one week bro and not much rest you run between the two heavy days that should at least be one complete day off and better two days out of the gym.

You migth think of having a HEAVY day rotate exercise like one week DL heavy one week squat heavy. same with pressing flat bench heavy and OH press or Dip or somethinmg heavy. Then the other day make it miore RE or DE based That two full body heavy days that damn close just doesnt spell good progress to me.


[quote]IRoNStaLLion wrote:
i’ve been lifting for a while on and off… don’t have the best genetics for strength/power but whatever… Numbers are crappy…

Anyway this is the routine i’m thinking of doing for a while but i’m worried about the freqeuncy of heavy work and whether its too much and was hoping if you guys could give me your thoughts:

MON: Full body Heavy
tuck jumps 3x10
power clean from blocks set at knee level: buildup to 2x2, 3x1 and near max weights (PR tryies on the singles)
Squats: 2x3, 2x2 at 95-100% of my max for that given rep range, with the last double being a PR attempt
Bench press- 3x4 at 95-100%
goodmornings 3x5-7
GHR/leg curls 3x5
pull ups 3x5

Tues-running (intervals, continuous, tempo, etc whatever i’m in the mood for)

wed- Plyos/Olifts/assistance
3x10 box jumps
3x5 depth jumps
3x10 bounding
powercleans: 3x3, 2x2, 1x1 all at 95-100%, with the 1x1 being a PR attempt
clean and jerks 4x2 (95-100%)
Front squat- 3x5 one-two reps shy of failure each set
GHR/leg curls 3x5

Thurs-running (see tues)or off depending on how i’m feeling

Fri- OFF

Sat- HEavy full body (deadlift) day
tuck jumps 3x10
power snatch or hang snatch- 3x3, 2x2 (95-100%)
deadlift- 3x3, 1x2 (95-100%) PR try on the double
depth jumps 3x5
bul. split squats with dumbels or on smith machine 3x5-8
overhead press- 3x4 (95-100%)
GHR/leg curls 3x5

sun- running/conditioning

could switch the bench press to wednesday but still debating that…

i’m not sure about rotating exersises for now and how long i should stick with the same dead/squats variations… since i’m nowhere near elite i was thinking i can keep them the same for extended periods…

Olifts 3x/week is ok i’m guessing

Hope its not too much witht he heavy squats and deads in the same week.

Thanks for the input.[/quote]

Hmm… I think your exercise selection is OK, but at the intensity levels you have listed for the week, I am a bit concerned with how much your body can handle with all these near maximal loads.

How old are you? Training age? Goals? How long were you planning on doing this for? IMO, You really don’t need to (nor should be!) near max out on every single lift, every time you go to the gym; but then again, certain times call for certain phases and different blocks, yadadad, etc… Back to topic…

Especially with the ol’s and plyos in there, your CNS is going to take a beating. Sounds like you are following a Hi/Lo sequence though…

I would double check the intensity levels first before doing this. It’s late or I would try to write up an example. Will post tomorrow again.

i thought it was ok to max out on plifts on regular basis since they don’t stress the cns as much as say squats…

either way i’ll await your sample…


oh and i’m 18, and have been training for a ocuple of years on and off…goals are to get strogner/faster…

could anyone give any suggestions on what i should change/take out?

really noone has any suggestions on how i should chenge it?

You plan on maxing out on the squat, bench, and deadlift every week, running in between lifting days, and doing a bunch of close to failure rep work too. That’s crazy.

Recipe for disaster IMO.

The odds of you making good gains for any decent length of time are very low, but who knows, maybe you’ll prove me wrong. I doubt it.

Do yourself a favor, take some time and read everything on this site. Come up with a new program that’s not sure to quickly drive you into the ground, and come back here and ask for thoughts after reading all of the info on that site.

Good luck!

[quote]IRoNStaLLion wrote:
really noone has any suggestions on how i should chenge it?[/quote]

Bro im pretty sure we did give opinions and suggestions on some changes.

Read them and think about the changes and do like the other said read up.

I just think youd doing to much to heavy etc. and just not a great plan youll burn out fast.


How does this look guys:

MON: plyos/olifts/ME lower
tuck jumps 3x10
power clean from blocks set at knee level: buildup to 2x2, 3x1 and near max weights (PR tryies on the singles)
Squats: 2x3, 2x2 at 95-100% of my max for that given rep range, with the last double being a PR attempt
RE/assistance work
goodmornings 3x5-7
GHR/leg curls 3x5
pull ups 3x5

Tues-running (intervals, continuous, tempo, etc whatever i’m in the mood for)


thurs- Plyos/Olifts/ME upper
3x10 box jumps
3x5 depth jumps
3x10 bounding
powercleans: 3x3, 2x2, 1x1 all at 95-100%, with the 1x1 being a PR attempt
Bench variation or overhead press:
3x3,1x2 (95-100%, PR attempt at last double)
Front squat- 3x5 one-two reps shy of failure each set
GHR/leg curls 3x5

fri-running (see tues)or off depending on how i’m feeling

Sat- Plyos/olifts/RE full body day
tuck jumps 3x10
power snatch or hang snatch- 3x3, 2x2 (95-100%)
deadlift- 4-5 sets of 3-5 reps(90-95%)
depth jumps 3x5
bul. split squats with dumbels or on smith machine 3x5-8
overhead press/bench variation- 3x4 one -2 reps shy of failure
GHR/leg curls 3x5

sun- running/conditioning

  • the percentages are for that given rep range… ie 3x3, 1x2 at 95-100% means for each triple or double i’d be lifting at 95-100% of my best triple/double…

*alternate ME exersises every 3-5weeks depending on prgress…
ie if parallel squat is my ME exersise, than reg. deads will be RE exersise on the friday, likewise if deads are the ME exersise, then squats will be the RE exersies… that way i can still squat and dead in the same week, but i won’t be going ME for both. (on the RE day its a little less than Me ie 90-95% of given rep ranges, no PR attempts, but i will increase weight as i progress)

*the olfits will typically be Me, which i think would be ok since they’re less taxing than doing ME on say the squat/deadlift (correct me if i’m wrong)…

thanks for input…

you’re confusing yourself and me. Just do WS4SB. Simple yet effective.

Still seems like way too much, but shit, give it a try and see what happens, worse comes to worse, it’ll be a learning experience (given that you don’t get hurt).

Good luck!

[quote]unearth wrote:
Still seems like way too much, but shit, give it a try and see what happens, worse comes to worse, it’ll be a learning experience (given that you don’t get hurt).

Good luck![/quote]

I agree with the above posters but hell try it if you want see if it works for you youll know soon enough.

I am nt sure where you are getting this No CNS oly thing either man those are VERY explosive lifts and your planning on doing them max effort aall the time. That will tap the CNS dymanic and HEAVY work sure you wont have the loads of say a squat etc but just feel it out.


so what percentages would you suggest for the olifts??