i’ve been lifting for a while on and off… don’t have the best genetics for strength/power but whatever… Numbers are crappy…
Anyway this is the routine i’m thinking of doing for a while but i’m worried about the freqeuncy of heavy work and whether its too much and was hoping if you guys could give me your thoughts:
MON: Full body Heavy
tuck jumps 3x10
power clean from blocks set at knee level: buildup to 2x2, 3x1 and near max weights (PR tryies on the singles)
Squats: 2x3, 2x2 at 95-100% of my max for that given rep range, with the last double being a PR attempt
Bench press- 3x4 at 95-100%
goodmornings 3x5-7
GHR/leg curls 3x5
pull ups 3x5
Tues-running (intervals, continuous, tempo, etc whatever i’m in the mood for)
wed- Plyos/Olifts/assistance
3x10 box jumps
3x5 depth jumps
3x10 bounding
powercleans: 3x3, 2x2, 1x1 all at 95-100%, with the 1x1 being a PR attempt
clean and jerks 4x2 (95-100%)
Front squat- 3x5 one-two reps shy of failure each set
GHR/leg curls 3x5
Thurs-running (see tues)or off depending on how i’m feeling
Fri- OFF
Sat- HEavy full body (deadlift) day
tuck jumps 3x10
power snatch or hang snatch- 3x3, 2x2 (95-100%)
deadlift- 3x3, 1x2 (95-100%) PR try on the double
depth jumps 3x5
bul. split squats with dumbels or on smith machine 3x5-8
overhead press- 3x4 (95-100%)
GHR/leg curls 3x5
sun- running/conditioning
could switch the bench press to wednesday but still debating that…
i’m not sure about rotating exersises for now and how long i should stick with the same dead/squats variations… since i’m nowhere near elite i was thinking i can keep them the same for extended periods…
Olifts 3x/week is ok i’m guessing
Hope its not too much witht he heavy squats and deads in the same week.
Thanks for the input.