Please review this routine, it is a combination of Big Boy Basics, Build a huge chest in 6 weeks, and uses Pullups everyday because they are something I want to improve in. I am looking for overall increase in strength and tone, I figure that a little size will come on its own. I am 5? 10?, 212lbs.
I walk for an hour every morning on an incline (Fasting Cardio), after taking in 18-36g of protein. I follow the following schedule: Monday-workout2, Tuesday-workout1, Wednesday-cardio, Thursday-workout 4, Friday-workout3. Besides needing to add some abdominal (Core) exercises will this work? Is this balanced?
Workout 1
Slide Pushups 10x3
External rotation 5x6, 60s, 10rm
Seated chest supp rows 3x8, 60s, 5rm
Dumbbell Bench press 3x8, 60s, 5rm
Pullups 3x8, 60s, 5rm
Standing shoulder press 3x8, 60s, 5rm
Fly machine pecs 5x8, 60s
Fly machine back 5x8, 60s
Workout 2
Pullups 3x8
Squats 3x8, 90s, 10rm
Leg Raises 3x8, 90s, 10rm
Dumbbell deadlifts 3x8, 90s, 10rm
Decline bench situps 3x8, 60s
Standing calf raise 3x8, 90s, 10rm
Dumbbell Shoulder raises 3x8, 60s
Lunges 3x10, 60s
Pullups 3x8
Cable Bench press 5x8, 60s, 10rm
External rotation 5x6, 60s 10rm
Incline Db press 3x8, 90s, 5rm
Dumbbell rows (45 degree bench) 3x8, 90s, 5rm
Standing barbell curls 3x8, 60s, 5rm
Standing shoulder press 3x8, 60s, 5rm
Stand rev grip tricep pressdown 3x8, 60s 10rm
Fly machine pecs 5x8, 60s
Fly machine back 5x8, 60s
Workout 4
Pullups 3x8
Hack Squats 3x8, 90s, 10rm
Leg curls 3x8, 60s, 5rm
Leg Extensions 3x8, 90s, 10rm
Decline bench situps 3x8, 60s
Seated calf raise 3x8, 90s, 10rm
Dumbbell Shoulder raises 3x8, 60s
Lunges 3x10, 60s