Collar Bone Pain

I was decided to bench a bit today, for the f of it, since im takin off till monday, anyway I head a crack on my collar bone at the bottom of the lift, I had no pain and got the bar up no problem at all, about 30 mins later my shoulder blade area is sore as hell.

I can move it arm all around but feel tension/pain when i move it up and back. I put muscle cream on it.

Should I be worried, if it is just sore will I be able to lift on monday?

after I wrote that I realized is was more the shoulder, the front side of my shoulder.

I was warmed up and evertying feober i benched today so I thougt I really fucked myslef up.

Well Its hruting alot more haha

If it doesnt get anybetter by tommmarow (work tommarow night) I will go get Xrays. Theres no way i can work with my shoulder like this.

Last time I got into lifting I broke my arm. I’m sure this is not as serious thou.

Exactly what it was, A-C Joint. Anyone else have this happen? When were you able to bench (max weight) again?

Doctor gave me 3 days off at work some I’m happy abotu that.