Coach Davies Renegades

Just starting a new thread for those of us who’ve been doing Coach Davies’ workouts the past week…Nate Dogg, Whopper, FFB… and everyone else.

Thanx, i was just gonna do the same thing when i noticed your thread. Hows it going aynway?Are you sore ? If so try tempering i have been using it to great effect for some time now!!

Happy training and productive workouts to yah!

I’ve been quietly lurking in the shadows sucking up every piece of info the coach has posted so far and have incorporated many of his gpp tactics into my training over the past month, especially the rope and med ballwork. I’m already recovering noticeably faster between laps on my 20" (bmx) bike. I’m fairly locked into my training sked for a race on Labor Day weekend but am going to go full-renegade thereafter. Just wanted to put my hat in the ring and thank coach Davies not only for the technical advice but for inspiring me to get off my ass and incorporate many new training techniques into my regimen, in particular the techniques HARD WORK, DETERMINATION and PASSION. Many thanks for the time you’ve selflessly devoted to this board and us renegade enthusiasts - next puke’s dedicated in your honor :slight_smile:

These workouts have been just what I needed.
I made the comment yesterday during GPP, as my
chest was about to explode in the humid
Indiana weather, that I haven’t worked this hard since high school. (26 yrs ago).
This stuff is brutal but it is also fun.
My son is inviting his buddies over so we can
all train together for their upcoming football
season. The kids all start the workout talking
and laughing…that doesn’t last long! :slight_smile:
My only real problem is my shoulders feel
overtrained. They are so toasted benching is
next to impossible.
Anyone else have this ‘problem’.
Good thread Kelly.

You shoulders may be your weak link right now.They will catch up. You may need some Glucosamine to help keep the swelling down.

I’m not too sore just pretty tight all over. The scale says I’ve gained a few lbs but I can also tell I’m leaning up a bit. This next week I’m cycling high amounts of Glutamine, Surge, creatine and Ribose-C into my nutrition plan so I imagine I’ll really start seeing some good recovery and gains. The one exercise that really kicks my butt and hurts me all over are the high rep 1 arm snatches. I guess if I invested in a kettlebell I’d look forward to doing them more.

I’m so pumped. Make sure you use Fridays article as tomorrows workout. Great to see so many new “Renegades” in our flock. If you got questions, just ask. And JeffD, tell me about your racing. In faith, Coach Davies

Yeah guys remember the 3D’s
discipline dedication and dedication

that is what gets me through all the workouts

Coach…I am still on the fence here waiting to join the party. As I previously stated…next weekend I compete (time to smack a few opponents around) So…how can I incorporate your program in my previously posted workout scheme? Should I just wait until after I compete to join the fun? Even if I do wait…how do I incorporate your training in? Help me out coach!!

-you’re a charter member. But you need to focus on your competition right now. Our training will begin soon young warrior - but right now you need to prepare for battle. Send me an email - I have so very “colorful” words for one of my boys going into battle that I would prefer not on a public forum. I love the smell of battle - In faith, Coach Davies

What’s up fellow Renegades? Well, I’m back from my weekend out of town. I headed to Ft. Myers Friday night and stayed there until today. Then I headed to Tampa for some fun for a few hours before heading back home. I relaxed all weekend because I have been too damn sore to do anything else.

DP, yes, my shoulders have also been hurting. By the time I did Friday’s workout, I had problems with some of the exercises and weights I was using. My shoulders are a weak spot, and these workouts have only pointed that out to me even more so! I just hope they catch up soon. Because I was dying after Friday’s workout. I had to ice my shoulder and take some pain killers.

Okay Coach, it’s Sunday night. I haven’t had a chance to post on the forum yet or read your article. I’m about to head to bed for now, but I’m looking forward to Monday’s workout. So what do you have in store for us?

Start the week off the right way - Fridays article with the 6 round warmup, rounds 1-3 with 15 burpee, rounds 4-6 15 star jumps.
In faith, Coach Davies

Kelley, I salute you…I like your post…straightforward and no whining. Now on the other hand…Nate “in da house” QUIT YOUR BITCHIN!!! My shoulder hurts, had to take aspirin, ice it down…whiiiinnneee!! In a weeks time I have opponents who want to put my head on a platter…and I have to listen to THIS?? Nate bro…I love ya, but you got to learn…this isnt just about physical…it is mental as well…YOU are going to complete this program 100%…which is something 90% of those pitiful “mere mortals” can NEVER do…and your going to WHINE thru it? Which is more impressive? a well built guy who shruggs off the soreness…sucks it up and comes back for more…or the well built guy who sits complaining that “this hurts…that hurts” etc…which one do you think ANY Vixen would prefer? As my instructor always says…if your not walking around with at least 2 or 3 aches and pains…YOUR NOT TRAINING HARD ENOUGH!! Now Nate…I got all the confidence in you, I know your gonna keep running with this…but you gotta get the right mindset as well…pain is to a large degree an emotion…and as an emotion, it can be controlled and mastered. Look at it this way…when you were having a great time this weekend…were you thinking about your aches and pains? I doubt it. So work on getting the mindset…after all…we are T-men…are we going to let some glorified gym teacher whoop up on US?? I think NOT…so let him bring the best he’s got in his little arsenel, and we will come back…and tell him it wasnt good ENOUGH and that he is going to have to do BETTER next time…Nate, you are going to be one BAD dog when your done here…but start learning how to walk around like a BAD dog…not whining like a puppy!!

i have to confess. . .I started the first day of Archeic training about tow hours and ten minutes ago. I thought I was in shape prior to “warming up” I ended up cutting the 3 minute rounds to 1.5 minutes and I had to half the reps for the strength section was able to finish the GPP and med ball hybrid as is and the chinee pase dropped off after the first 30 seconds. I’m going to take a cold whirlpool now. For you guys who could finish the program “as is” you got my full respect. But. . .bottom line, great workout I’m 38 YO and haven’t worked out this way since Highschool!! Coach I believe you prescribed six rounds of rope jumping with non-weighted GPP active rest on the rest day, am I correct? Great workout guys, I cannot wait for the next one!

Kato, in one of your posts about the Omega
workout you mention upper body dragging.
What would that be?

We do arms locked drag, uppercut drag, Fly drag, short press drag, snatch drag, pull drag. You can be creative and use big movements pushing or pullong the sled.

dp - you are definately a Renegade or as one of our brothers said RIT (Renegade in Training) but the Omega program is 4 years of training down the road. We need to get through an awful lot before we go there. If you do some upper body sled work, I will be happy to put together some good ideas. Let me know. In faith, Coach Davies

take heed to Whooper comment of developing a warrior mentality. Thats a major part of this elixir. I need to talk more of this. In faith, Coach Davies

Coach, I’d like to hear some ideas on upper body sled work. I assume they would be similar
to what Kato just posted? (by the way, thanks Kato). Going to try those out tonite.
As I review all the info you’ve given us, the one thing I find I’m missing is the knowledge
of how to put all this together in a week’s
plan of workouts. If I missed something on this
pardon my ignorance. There have been so many
different threads…

Okay Coach, Monday’s workout is completed. What do you have in store for us on Tuesday? :slight_smile: