CNS Recovery from Appetite for Construction

I have two questions. In the appetite for construction article John Berardi said that taking 6-8 grams of Tyrosine a day may help with CNS recovery. The problem is that Tyrosine is fairly expensive. The cheapest I have been able to find it for was 50 grams for 17 bucks. So my first question-how many grams of tyrosine is needed a day in order to receive a benefit? Could 2 grams work? John Berardi also said that 5 grams of BCAAs a day may also help with CNS recovery. As of now I’m taking Whey protein. Does anyone know how many grams of BCAAs are in Whey? Any help will be well appreciated.

As far as the l-tyrosine goes the amount that is in a serving of Power Drive (3 grams I believe) is enough to make a difference, at least in me. I can’t tell you how higher doses work because I’ve never experimented with taking higher…17 bucks sure does sound expensive though…do some more shopping…I just checked in my supplement bag and found a bottle of tyrosine I bought a few months ago…30 grams for $4.49. You might check at some bigger grocery stores. Many of them nowadays carry a full line of supplements at rock-bottom prices.

Beyond-a-century has 100 grams of tyrosine powder for $7.50.

I’ve heard that high tyrosine intake is contr-indicated to the proper function of the heart muscle. Any info JB?