Give this a shot man, it’ll be a little different but in my personal experience I find CTs work and methods better for offseason for building strength than this stuff better for peaking, just my opinion…
deload week 5
Day 1 - Bench
A. Pause Bench (competition style pauses)
4 weeks out hit 245 x 1, 275 x 1, 295 x 1
3 weeks out hit 250-255 x 1, 280-285 x 1, 300-305 x 1
2 weeks out hit 255-265 x 1, 285-295 x 1, 305-315 x 1
1 week out deload again
B. Bench hold Overloads
4 weeks out - 305 x 10 sec, 335 x 10 sec
3 weeks out - 315 x 10 sec, 355 x 10 sec
2 weeks out - 325 x 10 sec, 365 x 10 sec
B. Speed Bench (these are meant to be move a heavy weight as fast as possible)
4 weeks out - 6 sets of 3 w. 225-255
3 weeks out - 8 sets of 3 w. 225-255
2 weeks out 10 sets of 3 w. 225-255
C. Wide-Grip Pause Bench (2 inches wider than your bench grip)
4 weeks out - 2 x 6 w. 220
3 weeks out - 2 x 6 w. 225
2 weeks out - 2 x 6 w. 230
D. Dead Bench
4 weeks out - 4 x 1 w. 255
3 weeks out - 4 x 1 w. (add 5-10 lbs based on how easily it went)
2 weeks out - 4 x 1 w. (add another 5-10 lbs based on how easy it went)
E. Chins - 3 x bodyweight to failure
F. DB Flies - 4 weeks out, 3 x 8 w. a weight, 3 weeks out 3 x 10 w. that same weight, 2 weeks out - 3 x 12 w. same weight
G. Smith Machine Kaz Press - 5 x 5
H. Chest-Supported Rows - 4 weeks out 4 x 8, 3 weeks out 4 x 10, 2 weeks out, 4 x 12
I’ll post day 2 in a second… But essentially you deload this week, reboot your nervous system, push yourself to the brink of over training, deload and your stronger.