Clean & Jerk Form & a Few Other Q's

Hey I’ve been trying to learn how to clean and jerk, but it’s not really the easiest thing to just start doing. I’ve been doing them really light and been watching videos online, but I figured having you guys check 'em out could help.
Here’s three reps at 95lbs, and they’re hanging w/o a split.

Just as another point, is it okay to do C&J, Squats, and then Deadlifts all on the same day? say 3 sets, 4 sets, then 2 sets respectively, squat and DL at 75% of 1RM. This is with only two leg days a week. I don’t want to overtrain, but so far I haven’t had any big problems with it.

PS sorry if I didn’t upload the video right, if that’s the case I’ll try to fix it asap. And thanks for any help =D

Clean is messy. Don’t be afraid to bend over more until your shins are vertical and the bar is at your knee level. Scoop the bar towards you as you rise, and then pop it.

It’s not the simplest thing in the world. It’s even difficult to explain in person.

If you’re cleaning with 95 lbs, it’s okay to clean, squat, and deadlift in the same workout. Once you start regularly cleaning 315, you might not be able to get away with doing all of them all the time.

Okay, just to see if I understand; more “pelvic thrust?” It’s always been hard to learn this given how complex the movement is, so pardon the turn of phrase.
If I have it right, you deadlift it from a hang then pelvic thrust the bar and use your back to pop it up. That’s the pop I missed if I understand.

Well from the video this is not a “Jerk” its a push jerk. A Jerk is typically done in split fashion. The weight looks to light really which makes it harder to really look at your technique. I think you should be bent over more at the hips and your shoulders could be out over the bar more.

You are not really exploding off the floor really either, you should be thinking jumping as high as you can once you start your leg drive through the floor into your pull. When I used to Olympic lift the way we could tell this was how loud our feet hit the platform. This was generally a good indicator on how much force you were exerting.

If you are only doing Hang cleans, squats and deads are ok in the same day. You might want to do front squats and deads on the same day, rather than back squat because of the lower back just a suggestion. You don’t really need to worry about overtraining its extremely rare and you appear to be young and relatively new to lifting.

Thanks a lot, I’ll work on it.