I’m from Australia and we don’t use pounds so I’ve modified the 4chan/fit/ lbs;kgs extension with some help from another forums to convert everything when you mouse over. It’s very handy.
I have no idea where to put this thread, but this forum is where I use it the most…
You just put this in a text file;
// @name Tnation lbs;kgs
// @namespace unit_conversion
// @description Converts between metric and customary units on 4chan.
// @include http://tnation.T-Nation.com/free_online_forum/*
// ==/UserScript==
(function ()
var posts = document.getElementsByTagName(‘blockquote’);
var linkReg = /(<a .?/a>|http:.?( |$))/gm;
var regExp = /((.\d|\d)[,.'\d]*[\d]|(.\d|\d))/gm;
var foundMatch = null;
var linkRanges;
var i = 0;
ps = document.getElementsByTagName(‘p’);
function convertNumbers(fullText) {
if (foundMatch = regExp.exec(fullText)) {
var isLink = false;
if (linkRanges.length > 0) {
for (var i=0; i<linkRanges.length; i++) {
if (foundMatch.index > linkRanges[i][0] && foundMatch.index < linkRanges[i][1]) {
isLink = true;
regExp.lastIndex = linkRanges[i][1];
if (!isLink) {
if (!(foundMatch.index > 0 && fullText.substr(foundMatch.index-1,1).match(/[a-wyzA-WYZ$â?¬]/))) {
if (!(fullText.length > regExp.lastIndex && fullText.substr(regExp.lastIndex,1).match(/[%$â?¬]/))) {
if (fullText.length > regExp.lastIndex && fullText.substr(regExp.lastIndex,6).match(/(kg|lb|kilo|
pound|cm|inch|[‘"])/) && fullText.substr(regExp.lastIndex,2).match(/( [klpci]|['"].)/)) {
var numType = fullText.substr(regExp.lastIndex,2).replace(’ ‘,’');
} else {
var numType = ‘’;
var tempReplace = foundMatch[0];
if (foundMatch.index > 0 && fullText.substr(foundMatch.index-1,1).match(/./)) {tempReplace =
var replacement = replaceText(tempReplace, numType);
fullText = fullText.substr(0,foundMatch.index) + fullText.substr(foundMatch.index).replace
(tempReplace, replacement);
regExp.lastIndex = foundMatch.index + replacement.length;
fullText = convertNumbers(fullText);
return fullText;
function replaceText(matchText, numType) {
var newText = ‘<span style=“cursor:default;” title="’;
var cleanNumber = matchText.replace(/,/g,‘’).replace(/.+/,‘.’).replace(/‘+/,"’“);
var numSplit = ;
if (cleanNumber.match(/'/)) {
numSplit = cleanNumber.split(”'");
if (numSplit.length > 2) {return matchText};
numSplit[0] = Number(numSplit[0]);
numSplit[1] = Number(numSplit[1]);
numType = ‘i’;
} else {
cleanNumber = Number(cleanNumber);
switch (numType.charAt(0)){
case 'k':
newText += Math.round(cleanNumber * 2.2 * 100) / 100 + ' lb';
case 'l':
case 'p':
newText += Math.round(cleanNumber / 2.2 * 100) / 100 + ' kg';
case 'c':
if (cleanNumber > 30.48) {
newText += Math.floor(cleanNumber / 2.54 / 12) + "'" + Math.round(cleanNumber / 2.54 % 12) + "''";
} else {
newText += Math.round(cleanNumber / 2.54 * 100) / 100 + ' in';
case '"':
case "'":
case 'i':
if (numSplit.length == 2) {
newText += Math.round((numSplit[0] * 2.54 * 12 + numSplit[1] * 2.54) * 100) / 100 + ' cm';
} else {
if (numType.match(/('[^']|^'$)/)) {
newText += Math.round(cleanNumber * 2.54 * 12 * 100) / 100 + ' cm';
} else {
newText += Math.round(cleanNumber * 2.54 * 100) / 100 + ' cm';
newText += Math.round(cleanNumber / 2.2 * 100) / 100 + ' kg / ' + Math.round(cleanNumber * 2.2 * 100) / 100 + '
newText += '">' + matchText + '</span>';
return newText;
function checkLinks(checkText) {
linkRanges = ;
var i = 0;
var newMatch = null;
while (newMatch = linkReg.exec(checkText)) {
linkRanges[i] = new Array(newMatch.index, linkReg.lastIndex);
And chance the extension in the file name to “.js” then drag it into chrome and let it install.