Christmas Gifts For Lifters

I’m trying to get lists together before December, and decided to fish for ideas. I usually tell people if I can’t eat or read it, I don’t want it, so anything like that would be a welcome suggestion. But I also have a home gym that could always be built on. And kids who like to play outside. And family who like to to go to gym for health reasons.

I’ll post my ideas later, but figured I’d get the ball rolling.

I would start with here

These things are already on the list, but I’d look into a decent pair of straps, a neck harness, grippers, a sled (magic carpet is a great choice), a set of resistance bands, a good ab wheel, locking collars, the Ironmaster adjustable kettlebell handle, a dip belt, and a loading pin. Little nifty things that people don’t always have.

For books

The Complete Keys to Progress by John McCallum

Purposeful Primitive by Marty Gallagher

Easy Strength Omnibook by Dan John

Easy Strength for Fat Loss by Dan John

Powerlifting Basics Texas Style by Paul Kelso

There are, of course, many others, but I figure that’s a good start.


I second @T3hPwnisher on the straps, bands, and dip belt.
Sandbags would be nice.

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For Christmas/birthday gifts over the past couple of years I’ve asked for:
Landmine attachment
Wooden lifting blocks
Medicine ball
Neck Harness
Dips/Chins belt attachment
The art of resilience and The worlds fittest book by Ross Edgley