[quote]shoo wrote:
Thomas Gabriel wrote:
The wife was a waste of skin.
Divorce filed in March, finalize in Dec 18th.
He was laid off in Oct. He got nothing but the $500K house which only has 1/5 equity in it. After the divorce, he’s in $2600 in the hole each month while:
“Bruce Pardo complained in a court declaration that Sylvia Pardo was living with her parents, not paying rent, and had spent lavishly on a luxury car, gambling trips to Las Vegas, meals at fine restaurants, massages and golf lessons.”
Even while jobless, the feminist court system and his wife were still making him pay thousands upon thousands of dollars and putting him further into debt.
He also had medical fees to pay because his only son, from a previous marriage, had an accident and was left severely brain damaged.
Obviously, his actions were reprehensible, but you have to expect that when you destroy someones life, their psyche is going to undergo some major changes. Suicide is extremely common in cases like this. I’m not even sure you can blame the guy for this expect perhaps for not getting counselling/medication.
Once someone reaches the point he was at, the chemical makeup of their brain is so messed up, that the person they once were, has essentially no control.
First I thought bohoo, only a 500 thousand dollar house. Cry me a fucking river. But after reading all of that, it seems the guy was in some deep shit. All I ever hear of divorces ends with the guy killing himself or killing a bunch of other people and then offing himself. Are divorces really that bad over there?
And why the hell would someone want to do that to someone they were married to?(goes for both)[/quote]
In the past, husbands hardly ever got the house in the divorce. With so many mortgages under water (the mortgage is bigger than the value of the house) and the unemployment rate rising, we’ll see we’ll see guys stuck with the house, the mortgage, and child support, even if they have no job.
Having said that, poverty and anger is no reason to dress in a Santa suit and waste the first kid who opens the door.