I’m currently doing the BBB template.
I started to do chin-ups on bench and overhead days to get better at chins a cycle ago. I can now hit 10 chins on my first set, then they still start to decline to 8/2,6/4,5/5,5/5.
I know assistance exercises shouldn’t be over analyzed but today I started to wonder if I am leaving a void by not doing the classic row instead on one of those days. (one thought being that rows can be loaded heavier so chins may not be up to par in that respect.)
As always, great program Jim! Saves a lot of programming headaches.
Thank for any input
Are you having any shoulder problems? If not you probably will be alright.
[quote]knormxxx wrote:
Are you having any shoulder problems? If not you probably will be alright. [/quote]
I do have a torn labrumn but its not an issue when I’m doing chins, everything feels fine
Why not do both?
I’m using this BBB template from the original book (BBB 13 week challenge?):
OHP 5/3/1
BP 5 sets of 10 at 60% TM
Chins - BW for 50 reps or if available, assisted to where I can only do 10 reps for 5 sets
Curls 3x10
Triceps pushdows 3x10
Facepulls 3x10
BP 5/3/1
OHP 5x10 60% TM
Dumbell Rows 5x10 I’ll throw in Pendlay rows every other session just because I like barbell more than dumbell
Curls 3x10
Triceps pushdows 3x10
Facepulls 3x10
[quote]John Henry wrote:
[quote]knormxxx wrote:
Are you having any shoulder problems? If not you probably will be alright. [/quote]
I do have a torn labrumn but its not an issue when I’m doing chins, everything feels fine[/quote]
Okay cool then. If you want, and have access to bands you can do pull-aparts and/or face puills at the end of your session or in between presses. These are easy to do and recover from and won’t mess with your main lifts or pull ups. The only reason I mention this is because pull ups and chin ups aren’t the most effective rhomboid stimulators and with all the pressing you are doing it will help keep your shoulders healthy. Anyway more power too you brother.
I am on week 12 of BBB. I have been doing pull-ups with every upperbody workout, mixing up the reps and schemes. Usually, I do one day of wtd pull-ups lower volume, and the other day is more volume. All my reps are moderate or wide grip, overhand, and focused on pulling the shoulder blades together and down, to better attack the rhomboids.
The last 4 weeks, after the lower volume chins (bench day), I added wide-grip bent BB rows with a pause at the top of each rep. I do sets of 10-15. Without much weight, these fry my rhomboid/low-traps, but don’t screw up my deadlifts. My shoulders have been happier this month than last month, for what its worth…
Next block, I plan to add facepulls to the other upper body day, so I am working those muscles from multiple scapular positions.
Thanks guys, I’m going to put bent over rows in on a press day instead of chins (I already do face pulls and pull a parts between press sets, but you brought up a good point and I don’t want to neglect any muscle groups)