Chicken Breast Macro

Im trying to figure out what grilled chicken breast calories/protein is per 16 oz.

When i google it i get everywhere from 400 to 1000 calories.

Like for supper last night i weighed out 16 oz of grilled chicken, i weighed it after cooking it. I dont add oil or fats, just grilled it.


Just look up boneless skinless chicken breast without adding any cooking specifics. Most of the apps should track that for you


What he said. It’s just water loss with chicken breasts. Protein doesn’t evaporate.

Go with protein based on raw weight and ignore cooked weight.

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Ok thanks. I found it. Raw 16oz is 440 cal/ 92g protein.

Since i weighed 16oz after cooking, im not sure how many calories that was.

Just leave it like that. The raw weight doesn’t account for any cooking “shrinkage”. You’re doing it the best way to weigh after cooking.

When I was strictly counting, I’d do everything separately
 so separately count whatever oil it was cooked in, any seasonings, etc.

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Yes, but since the protein amount isn’t changed by cooking, it should be more accurate to calculate protein, cook it however you want, and not have to worry about calculating the cooked weight protein/water ratio if you’re tracking. But it’s not rocket surgery, so either way works.

Good advice. I do that at home.


That’s a fair point, as it will be mostly water with chicken. Fattier foods will cook off some, though, so it’s easier for me to just do it all one way.

Although who knows what composition I’m actually getting by the time I’m done cooking, so it’s all estimates anyway.

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I agree. If it renders fat out, you can weigh the fat in the pan afterward to micro-manage. I prefer to leave 5% wiggle room in my macros so I don’t have to deal with that stuff.


I didn’t even think about doing a weight like that. I’ve never been that strict! Nice.

Totally with you on the wiggle room.

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Yeah, me neither. I’ve never done a show or competition, which is why I defer to the people that have, but cooking for pro athletes, people going on stage, endurance cyclists, ect, and learning what they needed has been good info, even not being as strict as they are.


Thanks guys.

On a side note, i dont really feel like im in too much of a deficit, but im getting weak feeling in the mornings all i have for breakfast is 50g whey isolate, but i feel better after eating lunch. I might try adding a few oats at breakfast.


Why a fast absorbing protein for breakfast? Why not something slow absoring to help tide you over?

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Yeah, that is a good point. I can try with casein that would probably do better.

I can deal with the being hungry, but feeling weak and hypoglycemic is rough.

Which I imagine you’re feeling because you’re digesting all that food so quickly.

Why not a blended protein powder, like Metabolic Drive? Or maybe a protein and fat meal, like eggs.

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“so it’s all estimates anyway”


The tracking apps just leave you scratching your head and just add more fuel to the endless mind f#&k of what we do
 most have 448 different amounts for chicken breast and every man & his dog seems to contribute to what are largely unverified databases.

Pick ONE chicken breast and use that all of the time.

When I used to track my calories, depending upon which app, table or Google selection I used and which ‘chicken breast’ I selected, they would tell me that I was eating anywhere between 2100 and 3500 calories a day. At the time I was eating the exact same things in the exact same amounts every day! Once I had my own database figured out it was much easier to get an idea of what was happening. Even if was inaccurate, it was consistent and that’s what you want for something that’s not quite an exact science anyway
 consistent inaccuracy.

I don’t bother anymore.

Having said that, Cronometer is pretty good.


Oats go a long way for me at breakfast. I personally don’t follow strict diets, but can be “pool lean” with an IIFYM approach tilted towards high protein.

I do tend to organize carbs around breakfast and lifting, before and after.

I don’t calculate output when fueled vs not, but would imagine the trade-off vs no carbs and shitty training is a wash, or even an advantage. The scale and mirror say so.

Not knocking other diets but adding some carbs as you mention doesn’t hurt me personally, and seems to be beneficial.

Keep in mind with oats as you mentioned them that you’ll be adding fiber and specifically beta glucans, which are generally beneficial for health.

Berries are great at breakfast too imo.


Thanks guys. Ill try some of this stuff.