I need to build my chest. I have terrible genetics for my chest. I was wondering if anyone could help me out and give a work out that would add some mass to my small chest thanx
dips, dips and more dips. I train HIT so use this for what you will. if your gym has either the hammer or nautilus lying fly machine and a dip stand this is what you do; warm up on the dips, then super set the lying flys (get 6-12 reps) with dips (keep your reps atleast 4 but you don’t need to go as high as 12 because its the second half of a super set) thats it go home and take the next day off. you would grow if you tried it. peace
do supersets of dumbell presses conviniently followed by dumbell flyes. ex. do 90 lbs dumbell presses for 6 reps, then immediately do 45 lb dumbell flies for 6 reps. 2 sets of each: incline, flat, decline and you have yourself an awesome chest routine that covers every damn angle you can think of. Thats my opinion from my training history. laters pk
Or you could do what has worked for everyone else for all of history: Use compound movments like Bench Press. Incline & Decline Dumbell & Barbell Presses, weighted dips, etc. etc. 8-16 sets of 6-12 reps with different tempo shemes etc. etc.
You should really Search the past issues of T-mag for this type of question. It is way to basic & broad.
Try the Ian King 12 weeks to super strength program, do a search on t-mag and go for it.
Okay, you knew someone was gonna open this can of worms again. hetyey225, you were smiling the whole time you typed your thread, weren’t ya? Dips good, Bench press better.
More specifically, if you want to build your chest (like Body Build) then hit it from every angle you can. Flat bench, Incline and Dips, Cable flys from all angles (low pulleys, high pulleys) and so on.
BUT, strong muscles are big muscles and Flat Barbell bench will improve you “pushing” power.
As long as your nutrition and rest are good I think you might want to take a look at your form. A lot of people will say that bench press isn’t a good pec developer, but with proper form it kicks ass. Try any of the chest routines you see on this web site, but follow proper form. What is proper form. For me it means the following…
- Don’t sit or rest on the bench before your set. Don’t relax near it. Ian King preaches this.
- Get a comfortable grip for your size. For me I put my middle fingers on the knarles of the bar. You may need to experiment.
- Squeeze the bar.
- After unracking the weight start a controlled decent. a 2-4 second negative works good for me, but sometimes longer. This means counting,“one-one thousand.”
- Flex your lats on the negative.
- breath in all the air you can on the negative.
- touch the bar on the upper area of your nipples.
- start a controlled explosive ascent after making contact with your chest. 1-2 seconds.
- breath out the air on the positive portion of the rep
- Keep tight!
- stay just shy of total lock out before continuing on to the next rep.
There is alot of overlap on chest/delt work. Here is my idea: Do dips and combine it with some isolation work for delts (like lateral reaises until you fail followed imediatly with presses), and on another day, do over head presses and bench (flat or slight incline) until you fail followed imediatly with presses (same dumbells). I started doing this and I have grown nicely. Also, negative only dips are wicked good. Go heavy and go slow.
I’ve gotten results from flat bench, but I’ve done better with dips and incline dumbbell presses.
Bad advice from many. Flies=crap. Laterals=crap. Want a big chest? Pick either bench press or dips and work it hard (I said HARD, not long. 1-2 heavy sets to failiure)every 3-7days. Dips would be better because most can handle more weight. Then eat.
Are you squatting? It’s hard to build a big upper body with turkey legs. Once you can bench over 300 or dip with 200 around your waist, for reps, then your chest will be as big as it needs to be. Also, do overhead pressing. and rows/chins. A big chest with a small upper back will cause all kinds of postural problems.