Larger Pecs

Ok guys, one more for everyone considering the response was AWESOME for my larger traps post. (thanks to all btw!)
What routines really caused significant size gain in your chest? I don’t even train my lats because they grow like crazy, but can’t get my chest to improve. On a sidenote, my lats are also the bodypart the pumps up the easiest, and I find it difficult to get a good pump in my chest. Any thoughts?

Bench presses with dumbells. Though I’ve never really had a problem with chest development, this has made the greatest difference.

I’ve found that benching doesn’t really hit my chest as well as DB presses and flys. Be sure to use incline, decline, and flat presses, and contract your pecs at the top of the movement. Adjust your form as necessary so that you nail your chest instead of your delts and triceps. When you get it right, you’ll feel it.

One and one-fourths using a very wide grip on the barbell. Without rest, go to slow dumbell flyes. Repeat three times. Curse me after. Some people say flyes are a wus exercise, but nothing gets me more sore than slow heavy flyes. Of course, soreness isn’t necessarily an indicator of progress, but that’s a whole 'nother topic.

need more info on your routine…what areu doing…if your not doing super slow negatives then try those…i always get a good pump with super slow negatives…how high are your reps?..i like to do a wide variety of reps…start out with 3 sets of 6 on something then 3 sets of 10 on something…then do a finishing movement with 3 sets of 12-15…that way i hit all the different types of muscle fibers.anyways really need info on what you are doing now to really see where your flaws are…if your negatives are quick then that may be aproblem …saw some guys doing pullups and i was counting their negatives…wasnt even a second…let me know more about your workout

I like DB presses: both flat and incline. I mix in weighted dips every now and then.

Flyes and decline cable crossovers. And no, I’m not joking.

Heavy flat benches, incline flies and dips

Currently the workout is: Dumbell bench (3x8), Incline press (3x8), and dumbell decline bench (3x8). None of the sets are to failure, as I just started this routine and the whole “gaining momentum” Stuart McRobert theory has worked well for me in the past, so I thought I’d apply it here. I’m not terribly strong in my chest work anyway, so keeping as much poundage progressing going as I can seemed like the sensible thing to do. I also slowed my tempo way down, and this seems to help.

if u want more size i would try this,which i had great results with. do flyes first before pressing. dont have ass it either. go heavy and perfect form. now that u have a pump in ur chest,proceed to benchs. since u just did flyes only ur chest will be getting the most attention instead of triceps and shoulders. u wont be able to do much weight but u should get a great pump. make sure u squeeze every rep. dont just go throught the motions. k peace.

Here is a multi-stage plan, (it worked for me, I have a size 50 shirt at 185).

  1. You must get in touch with your muscles, feel them work. Try a very light weight 135 for Bench Presses and do slow controlled movements. Do not bottom out and do not lock out, keep constant tension on them. Keep the sets low and the reps high at first. You are trying to build the CV pathways. As you get better slowly increase the weight anddrop the reps, but keep the feeling.
  2. Work on your rib cage (I know there is only so much you can do after a certain age, but the exercises will help you posture).
    Best of luck…Focus on your goals and you will arrive.

If you want to DESTROY your chest with surgical precision, I suggest you try this program. Set the incline bench higher than normal + 3 pinholes, Do your warm up, Do a set of fly’s t-mag (palms away) for 4 to 6 reps, without resting switch to Traditonal Fly’s 4-6 reps (make sure you pause at the streched position for 1 to2 sec) Rest 10 sec, and Do DB Press Palms facing your elbows as far back as possible, rest 10 seconds and bang out as many traditional Db as possible (pronated). Rest 1.5 minutes Repeat 1 more time on Incline and 2 times on flat bench. not done yet, Finish with a triple drop set(low rep like 5\5\5 on incline cable flys. Say good bye to your chest.