Chest & Shoulder Workout Help

There must be other guys out there with similar issues to mine.
I’ve been having trouble with my shoulders for a while now and finally went to the Dr. Basically said I have arthritis in my shoulders and the cartilage is worn with burrs.

He said I should not do and type of bench or military presses, gave me cortisone shots in both shoulders. Then told me to come back in six months for more shots.
Shoulders feel better after shots, but I am taking it real light as I feel the injury is masked and don’t want to make things worse.

Couple questions.
What do lifters with these issues due for Chest and Shoulders?
Any suggestions to improve my situation.

About me…48, 6’5", 230, working out regular for many years. Before shoulder issues I was doing 5x5 with 245. I read the mobility thread so I have started doing the roller, and some of the shoulder exercises pre workout. I also do yoga a couple times a week…it helped my knees tremendously over the last year but I haven’t had the same success for my shoulders.
I take fish oil, and cissus, along with multivitamins,and a couple other supplements.

I’ve been having shoulder problems for a while now.

Google for “diesel crew rehab”. that’s what I’m currently doing instead of pressing on my ME and DE bench days. That, and a lot of horizontal rowing, trap work, and ab work.

Welcome aboard. Wow, where to start. Was the “Dr.” you went to a Ortho or just a general?

Your problem is too much volume/intensity not enough recovery. Ummm your 48 you need to fine tune your program because as we get older stuff gets worn and we either keep doing the SAME thing and break something or we change.

Look up at the top of the forum and do the moblility stuff. On your foam rolling let me know if there is soreness right in back of your arm pit. Do your shoulder dislocates (their in there too).

Do you do enough of upperback rehab/prehab to keep your shoulders healthy? Like facepulls,blackburns,rear pec dec laterals and scapula retraction.

You probaly have long limbs and over -extend while benching(great to have a video of your form) ((shoulders push toward ceiling at end of movement))
I would get a competent bencher to teach you form. (no offense) When your ROTATORS are stronger.

Vary your lifts on your pressing day. Warm up fully before hand. Get massages. Do not get anymore cortisone shots.
Get an MRI done too see if there is any damage to your Labrum or rotators.

That should be enough for now.

If I came across abrupt I apologize I am running late to get to the gym for my clients.

Feel free to PM me more indepth detail of your problems.

[quote]FISCHER613 wrote:
Welcome aboard. Wow, where to start. Was the “Dr.” you went to a Ortho or just a general?.[/quote] Ortho

What is considered the correct volume/intensity. Certain weight, limit of sets or reps? The 5x5s were the last cycle I tried before my shoulders starting progressively getting worse. I’ve switched things up but they just were not getting better.

Been doing some of the exercises from that thread for a couple weeks now…does help. Some soreness in area you described…the shoulder does seem to get out of the socket lately as well…I have to push both my palms together to “crack or set” it back to stop the pinching of the nerve or discomfort.

Do you do enough of upperback rehab/prehab to keep your shoulders healthy? Like facepulls,blackburns,rear pec dec laterals and scapula retraction.[/quote]
No, not until recently. I did the rear pec decs but none of the others…looked them up and will start doing them. I realize going forward I will need to spend 15-20 minutes before the workout stretching and doing this type of work.

.[quote]You probaly have long limbs and over -extend while benching(great to have a video of your form) ((shoulders push toward ceiling at end of movement))
I would get a competent bencher to teach you form. (no offense) When your ROTATORS are stronger…[/quote]
Agree. I’ll have to try and tape my bench to see.

.[quote]Vary your lifts on your pressing day. Warm up fully before hand. Get massages. Do not get anymore cortisone shots.
Get an MRI done too see if there is any damage to your Labrum or rotators.

That should be enough for now.

If I came across abrupt I apologize I am running late to get to the gym for my clients.

Feel free to PM me more indepth detail of your problems.[/quote]
Not abrupt at all. I appreciate the response…it is very helpful.

[quote]mcl wrote:
I’ve been having shoulder problems for a while now.

Google for “diesel crew rehab”. that’s what I’m currently doing instead of pressing on my ME and DE bench days. That, and a lot of horizontal rowing, trap work, and ab work.[/quote]

Thanks, I’ll check it out. Can’t do much of the trap work either right now without the same pain. What does ME & DE stand for?

Max effort and dynamic effort. (ME&DE)

The article by Joe Defranco on the front page is probaly the best general program there is for older lifters in regards to regulating volume and intensity. The program is called “Built like a badass” it is like $42 on his website and worth it in spades.

Sounds like a inflamed Labrum and possible Sub-scapularis/Supraspinatus.

Heat with linamaent before you start your mobility drills, Ice and advil afterwards.


Do the mobility work as suggested. I have arthritis and I’ve been doing my bench and shoulder presses using dumbbells and a neutral grip pain free. Doctor said I’m working different surfaces that have cartilage on them still. Have been using Flameout and other supplements to try and build back cartilage.

How often should these mobility exercises be done? Only on those bodypart days or several days per week?

Mobility question: Usually done before lifts.

Shoulder dislocates: EveryDay, start at 10 then every week up 5 reps till you get to 50 reps a day.

I’m a 44 year old male, been training for many years. I have been able to maintain significant cuts and weight of about 224lb. The issue is that I can’t seem to put on any more muscle weight. i’d like to be a 250, just as a personal goal. I have cycled SUS at 250mg x3 weekly and raised my calorie and protein intake. Just need some sensible advice on how to get there.

[quote]jharris21 wrote:
I’m a 44 year old male, been training for many years. I have been able to maintain significant cuts and weight of about 224lb. The issue is that I can’t seem to put on any more muscle weight. i’d like to be a 250, just as a personal goal. I have cycled SUS at 250mg x3 weekly and raised my calorie and protein intake. Just need some sensible advice on how to get there.[/quote]

There is a very good steroid forum here. Questions better asked there. I am guessing that SUS is really Sustanon right ? Cycled at 750mg a week ? I would be more worried about blood pressure than bweight at that level.

Ok I am feeding troll, here goes: UP your calories alot - keep doing your cardio - at the end of cylce (2 weeks left) add in HCG for 4 weeks.

In all reality up protein to 2x bweight and lift till failure on most sets and eat alot. Then eat some more.