Chat gpt 4.0 diet regimen

Has anyone else used this as a tool to help generate and streamline diet and intake tracking?

took a bunch of revisions but I have chat gpt tracking all my daily intake of carbs, fats, proteins, sugar.

Also had it generate a 5 on 2 off with active recovery exercise regimen, and cycle plan. all generated to word docs and spreadsheets. Really made this 100% easier to get back into the swing of things.

Also new member here, i posted an intro in the BSL category, but it still shows pending. Mods, is there anything I need to do to verify my account?

I asked chat GPT to create a Westside Conjugate plan two different ways and it was actually pretty accurate when I gave strong prompts.

When I initially asked, I just typed “create a 12 week Westside Barbell Conjugate Method plan, 4 days per week”.

It gave something recognizable but not really ideal or workable.

So I asked again and typed “adopt the persona of Louie Simmons from the Westside Barbell Club. Utilize all available resources from Louie Simmons or any official literature from Westside Barbell and write a 12 week conjugate training plan, training 4x weekly. Be sure to include relevant training percentages, progression schemes, lift variations and accurately include strength days and speed work days”.

It spit out something you’d see in a Westside certified gym.

So give very specific cues and make sure to outline what you’re looking for. It will fill in details pretty well in my experience.

FTR, this was using the paid version.

I would imagine it would give similar ideas for diet and meal plan with correct cues.

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Same. It probably took about 20-30 revision of “teaching” it what and where to reference data. Mine is also paid ChatGPT 4. I also have it find nutritional values of everything i buy and cook and use data from apps like YUKA to get accurate values.

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I wouldnt follow chatGPT for specialized advice. It’s good for general advice, which generally works, for the general population.

I am not in that category.
My goals do not fit within that category.

There is no nuance to the recommendations it will give, it does not understand why abc exercises or foods are selected over xyz options. It only sees that others recommend this, so it will do the same.

Moreover, it will not understand how to accommodate the individual trainee according to their individual needs.

Lastly, it will shit out whatever you want it to. It won’t hold you accountable. It doesn’t have its own methodology for why its saying what it is… you’re telling it what to tell you.

Its important to keep in mind that the people who select the training data are the same kind of people that think overpopulation is killing us, fossil fuels are evil, and that masculinity is only okay when it’s demonstrated by women.

But if you really know what you’re doing, it cab be trained to make the more mundane tasks easier. Like providing it macros, telling it to stick to Vertical Diet approved foods, and having it give you some sample meals.
Double check the math though, it has a problem with counting and recursion.

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You really stress an important point, and couldn’t agree more.

I think im going to like this forum, like minded folk here.

In my original post i talked about the revisions to get it where i wanted it. I had to specify every single thing i wanted it to output.

And yes, it does well referencing formulas, but not executing them. round whole numbers overall it seems to spit out pretty accurately.

For the food, I had really dial in how it interpolates and extrapolates.

For the workout and cycle, im far from an expert, but i’ve been around AAS long enough to know what NOT to do, how my body responds to certain drugs, and how to achieve the results i want with specific compounds… so the cycle plan is my own, just utilizing gpt to organize it.

AI is not actually AI, and i worry about the future of this up and coming retarded generation.

Really appreciate the feedback, all great points, thanks!

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Not to go broader than is the purpose here, but I’m really excited about this AI use case (really, its purpose) across the board.

I hadn’t really considered giving ChatGPT my macros and foods and telling it to divide those up into per meal amounts, but now it seems obvious.


Here’s a screenshot from today.

I had to make sure it knew to track intake in a 24 hour period , reference the diet I created, and then the nutritional facts I had it point to.


It does work, but often times when it has to balance numerous goals - it will forsake one of them for whatever it perceives to be more important.

Its not bad for meal plan/prep ideas, you just have to dial it in for macros as it will mess some of that up.

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