I have just spend some time to have a read through articles as I am trying to figure things out related to my training.
Now one thing I haven’t been able to find yet a definite answer for is the idea of switching up your routine in order to avoid platues. Based on what I read I think the only reason that is legitimate for changing things up is because of the need to encorporate the different rep ranges into your work out. Would I be correct on this?
If that is true does it mean than if I implement a training approach as provided by Clay Hyght in the following article A Tried and True Bodybuilding Program Template I can continue with the same routine year round without switching things up. Won’t I then need to worry about hitting any platues?
The only thing I would do then is just to incorporate right stretching, anaerobic work, and perhaps some Olympic lifts.
Lastly I’ve been thinking about a proper method for weight lifted progression. I’ve been thinking that if I am able to do all my sets at the higher end of rep range without failure then is the time to progress to higher weight. Is that enough?
Man. My head hurts. I just spent past 14 hours doing research.