Changing set point

What is everybody’s opinion on ones body changing its set point in regards to body weight?

not totally sure what you mean, but to me a set point is total bullshit! just an excuse to not progress.

There is plenty of research on bodyfat setpoints. Vain68 would be THE man for this question.

Suffice to say, it’s hard to change it.

you do it all the time though thunder, well the pics of your trainees that you have posted indicate that it could be done…???

i believe one can change their “set point” i do very little to stay at theweight/tone i am now but had to work my ass of for 6 years to get here. used to be aboiut 135-140lbs now float at about 217lb (6 foot).
in saying that i used to be very active now i only sweat when i am at the gym. otherwise sit infront of a computer all day…

Chris, just because one gets below their setpoint, doesnt mean the set point has changed.

Even several years of maintaining weight, the setpoint doesnt appear to have lowered…

it can go up tho

I read an interesting discussion where various drugs/supps were sugested as a means of hanging the setpoint. Vain was part of this discussion, so I hope he will respond to this thread.

OK, would some one pls explain WTF is the “SET POINT”.

you do it all the time though thunder, well the pics of your trainees that you have posted indicate that it could be done…??? [/quote]

That isn’t really changing your set point. That’s temporarily getting below it. If that became your new set point, it would practically become your natural condition and it would be almost effortless to stay there.

Wow-been awhile since I been around over here. Good discussion. Suffice it to say that as of this point, it is pretty established that there is a 'set point’of dopaminergic activation in the PVN of the hypothalamus. This doesn’t change. Supps/drugs/and various dieting/refeeding schemes can try to circumvent this, but the reality is that you don’t change set point. You can however adjust partitioning of nutrients, and this is what I suggest one try and do.


leave it to vain to come out of hiding and drop some knowledge on us that we cant even comprehend!!! this is t-mag, ere just some brain dead bb’ers that heave heavy weights.

it would be nice to see you around more often bro.