…Anyone who thinks that they can help to try and find a nutrition plan and training that may help…
My sister has OsteoGenisis Imperfecta - The lesser type - Also a Hyper metabolic rate.
We have been trying to find someone who may be able to help with trying to find a training schedual - Nutrition guide.
Every one we have asked here in England doesn’t want to know…?
Can you point us in the right direction of some of the articals here @ T-Nation? or maybe ask one of the other authors to maybe see if they may help? Lisa (my sis) is currenly doing just cardio work as much as she can - about 4 times aweek, she can run for litteraly miles! makes me look silly! but no matter how much cardio she does (been around 2 years now)she never seems to loose any real weight???
I bought some HRX for her to use, and she wants to, but we think she may need some advice with regard to nutrtion for her Hypermetabolic rate - we eat nothing but fantasticaly good foods with plenty fruit, veg, fish, meats red and white, but it seems nothing is helping.
Could you give us an idea of things to improve on? I have asked her to keep a food log so we can establish an idea of calorie intake etc…I’ll also ask her to get a BodyStat done for BMI Index and BF level.
Any help you can give with this would be sooooooooooooo helpfull!
Ok so your sister is overweight and has weak bones? How is she overweight and hyper-metabolic? None of this makes sense. How tall is she, what does she weigh, and how old is she? Give us more specific info.
She is far from over wieght, sge would like to get down to about eight stone.
Hypermetabolic - for those of you who don’t know what it is - it’s the body’s inability to managae metabolism effectively i.e. no way of keeping it at any single rate.
Very common in Burn victims from fire’s etc.
From the last comment made I can tell the hostillity already, please we are looking for help not criticism (wich a lot of T memebers do very well) would be nice to see a post get some good advice and see a positive reponse, all the info on Osteogenisis type one is on the net.
OK yes I realize what a hypermetabolic rate is but dont see how this would in any way lead her to being fat not losing. Also why Is she caught on this # of weight and not BF % body comp.
Seems that if shes Hyper as in Fast/raised metabolic rate she would have the opposite trouble that of putting on and keeping quality mass.
What is the cause of here prob. Her medical condition. I would first address that as well as keping food in her long lasting sources not quickly digested and a supply at all times to give that metabolism something to burn on.
Id see a doctor get tetst done as to why she is having the prob. Then again address the goals why the need to lose the weight and not focus on body comp as opposed to scale weight thats largely useless IMO.
Other than those thing answering those it will also help us to know what you all do as far as eating. training exaclty, real goals, etc.
best of luck,
She is far from over wieght, sge would like to get down to about eight stone.[/quote]
I don’t know what a stone is, or at least I didn’t until I looked it up. So she weighs 134lbs and wants to get to 112. Why exactly? Is she 4’-8" tall? Seriously 134lbs is a decent weight. She should focus on bodyfat and composition as Phill stated.
Which has no effect on ability to lose weight. In a way, everyone is slightly hyper-metabolic, as you don’t perform the exact number of tasks at the same intensity day in and day out, therefore you have natural fluxuations in metabolism.
Is she a burn victim? Otherwise what is the relevance?
It’s not hostility, it’s just a slight annoyance. You ask us a very difficult question and give us only about 2% of the informaiton we need to even guess at an answer.
This response might seem inane, but you said she does cardio 4x a week. Is that all? Wouldn’t a little resistance training be of benefit? Surely doing that 4x a week instead would be better.
I’m no expert, but I’ve seen recommendations that resistance training is far more effective than cardio for fat loss… although the cardio helps too I imagine.