“The funny thing is that I wrote about the 10x3 method in 1999 in an article called High Tension Training which was originally published on Dr.Squat’s website. That was more than 5-7 years before some other expert used it as his money making workout”
[quote]Princ wrote:
“The funny thing is that I wrote about the 10x3 method in 1999 in an article called High Tension Training which was originally published on Dr.Squat’s website. That was more than 5-7 years before some other expert used it as his money making workout”
CT you mean Chad Waterbury? :D[/quote]
Don’t take quotes and take them out of context. Furthermore I’m not the first one to talk about 10 x 3 as Doug Hepburn, one of my greatest source of inspiration wrote about using 8-10 sets of 3 reps to build muscle and strength, and that was in the 50s.
It’s like “German Volume Training”… which is simply doing 10 sets of 10 reps with short rest intervals. Made popular by Charles Poliquin in the late 90s. But also used by Vince Gironda in the 50s and 60s.