Cats Cradle

Alright People’s,
I have debated, and I am thinking about getting a cat. I know there is somewhat of a “stigma” with single guys getting a cat, but I need a pet damnit! My ex moved out in January and I live in this HUGE house by myself and it gets lonely at times…:o( I would MUCH rather have a dog, but I am gone for 9 hours out of the day while at work and I would feel bad leaving it by itself for that long. Not to mention there would be dog pooh all over the place when I got home. Cats can pretty much take care of themselves and are cheaper to take care of, so I figured why not get one!?! I just thought I would bring this up with my fellow t-men/vixens and get some opinions. [cringes at the upcoming flames…hahahaha].

Don’t be a pussy.

What’s wrong with having a cat?

A lot of single guys own cats, not that there’s anything wrong with that!

Seriously, though, the right cat can be cool as hell. It depends on the personality. A girlfriend and I had one in college that you could play with like a dog. It also knew how to not hurt you. Some cats don’t have that sense. This one would paw at your foot all day long and never scrape you with a claw.

Cats are also crazier than dogs, generally, and so they can be funny. Our was scared to death of a garage door opener at a friend’s house. As soon as that thing would turn on, Oliver would bolt. He also liked playing hide & seek too. Very fun.

But I had a girlfriend. So it was okay. :slight_smile:

Get two: they will play, chase, wrestle and entertain each other and spend less time attacking your furniture.

I’ve owned cats for 20 years and have three females right now, but I think neutered males make better pets.

Solution: 2 dogs.

Please don’t…

Single gals can get cats, but guys… no no no

I know goldberg has one for some reason, but he has also said he’s no role model… :stuck_out_tongue:

Get a girlfriend instead, or maybe a nice squat rack… A squat rack would keep much better company than a cat :slight_smile:

BTW, I married into 2 of those feline things. Still have one left, although we let her outdoors all day so it’s not soo bad anymore.

Tony G, the pussy.

It’s got a nice ring to it.

All kidding aside, I’m allergic to cats, so I can never have one. If I could have one, I would never get one. We had evil cats living next door to me for years. They would leave all kinds of animal bodyparts on our porches. Little fuckers.

The options are endless:

Various birds
Guinea pig

Cats are cool, get yourself a HUGE ass one, Lion, tiger, or maybe a jaguar…

Go on, get a cat.Actually they are pretty cool pets,just don’t expect them to act like a dog when you get home.

If you get a cat, do the world (and the cat) a favor by making it an indoor cat. It will live longer, be healthier and not shit in your neighbors’ flowerbeds. (I wish I could convince my neighbors of this.)

Conversely, you could get a couple of dogs and a dog door. Dogs can’t climb fences (generally), so letting have access to the outdoors isn’t a problem and it keeps them from crapping in your house. Many breeds don’t like to be lonely, so a second dog is a good idea for the amount of time you’ll be gone. It’s my bias, but I’ve always felt that dogs love you and cats love what you can do for them.

On yet another hand, you could get a girlfriend…

If your gone 9 hrs/day a cat is the better choice. Get a big ass, pixie bob, the’re a 30lb. cat with the personality of a dog. I would imagine they are quite expensive however

Yeah, I agree that a girlfriend would make a better pet. I just hate it when I have to train her to do all the cooking, all the cleaning, and fulfilling all my sexual desires. JUST KIDDING T-VIXENS!!!

I don’t really want to get a cat, but it would be nice to have a pet around. They are the cheapest choice though. Like I said, I would much prefer a dog. They tend to be more of a chick magnet than cats…;o) But, I am not home enough…so getting a dog is not feasible.

I see where you all are coming from though. Goldberg aside…getting a cat just ain’t the t-man thing to do…haha

Do it! While on vaction I found a cat whith the best personality… it makes all the difference.

I just moved in to my own house and when my son goes to visit his dad it gets a little lonely… so she makes all the difference.

She is sooo cool, crazy and makes me laugh. She is more like a dog, comes when I call her, likes to fetch. Button pusher!
I think it has to do with the cat.

Take you time picking one.

I had a Himalayan that would be stoked when I came home. (but I was married at the time)

Get a dog, a breed that is good on it’s own like a Boxer or an Akita. There are tons of ways to keep dogs occupied during the day, just read up on it. If you want a dog, get one. If you get a cat instead, you might like it but in the back of your mind you will always think, “shucks I like the pussy but I wish I had a dog.”

I’m biased of course. I’ve been a “dog guy” since I was a toddler. Dogs are hilarious, loyal, intelligent, and a hell of a chick magnet. Whichever you decide, just be sure to research every avenue then pick the breed best suited for you and your lifestyle. If you get an animal where you have to make a lot of changes just to care for the thing the relationship will not work out in the long run.

Oh believe you me. If I was in a house, and not an apartment I’d have a dog. Pits, Boxers and Akita’s being my favorites.

But I don’t see what’s wrong with having cats. I have a bengal cat, that looks like a small 15lb leapord.

ok i really don’t see anyting wrong with a cat. when i had man it acted more like a dog. we had dogs at the time too so i think it was trying to fit in. but when my dogs died, he basically acted like a dog. would come when you called, play like a dog sometimes and would box me not scratch me. he was a great pet. but sadly he died too. :frowning: just find the right cat and you won’t be dissapointd. just my 02.

No. Dogs are better. Ever hear of a seeing-eye cat? That sums it all up.

Someone suggested a boxer as a breed which does well alone. This is wrong. If you want a dog that can amuse himself get one that was bred to work alone. Most shephards were bred to take the flocks out and in and to be responsible for protecting them and keeping them together, in the absence of the shepard. Boxers, like a lot of other dogs were bred to work hand in hand with their master all day long and then go home with them at night. I love the breed. I am a lawyer and my boxer is sleeping under my conference room table right now. He goes to work with me almost every day ( I am self employed). BUT not a breed that does well alone, hell they never want to be alone.