Cardio respiratory and Aerobic Demands of Squat Exercise

Totally agree…that is why I do both. But some people on here just can’t get there mojo going for steady state, and no amount of preaching from Beetlejuice will change that. So as you say, something is better than nothing. And if strength training gives them the means to be active elsewhere, despite it not being “formal” aerobic exercise, they might be getting those LIT benefits anyway. Exercise “snacks” are proving to be as effective as devoting 30 to 60 minutes of a day to a dedicated activity. So some of those being “preached” to might be getting those benefits anyway, without hanging a label on it.
The advice given, to stop wasting time, (those who agree are doing it already, those who do not, probably never will) still stands. But I still suspect Beetlejuice will return at some point in a thread, in the not too distant future. But like I said, there is always letsrun forums, where his message will be more gratefully received…

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“ Deflection is often used in arguments as a way to shift focus away from oneself and onto another person or issue . People commonly divert the pressure from themselves by changing the subject, pointing out someone else’s flaws or presenting unrelated information to distract from the main issue at hand.”

This, along with avoidance has been your main tactic in many a discussion on this board, when things get a little too difficult for you to handle.
I’ve made two main points on this thread;

  1. That the cardio demands of the squat (and other resistance exercises), may be all that some on here want / need, as they are not looking to maximise or even optimise their cardio abilities.
  2. That you have been banging the same drum now for literally years, to a tiny group of individuals on here, who have heard your message, either agreed with it and are doing it, or who do not agree with you, or don’t want to do it, and nothing you will say, from here on in, will change their minds. The dead horse has been beaten to an absolute pulp. Either time to stop…or move on to pastures new, where your evangelising may be better received.
    Neither of these points have you been able to respond to…so the ol’ plan A deflection tactic gets used, before plan B of avoidance and skulking off into the background quickly follows.

Deflection, deflection…
Repetition, repetition…
Both points you were unable to dispute…
Look closer at point one again…you were totally wide of the mark…
Time to stop beating the horse…it’s dead…

He lost me at “ilk”.

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Don’t you have some LSD to do? After LSD comes feel good eating!

In all honesty I made this post just to see if you’d bite ( hence the Beetlejuice reference) and you didn’t disappoint)…you bit and bit hard.
Like I said…those on here that agree with you are doing cardio, those that do not, do not care…and are certainly tired of your endless , OBSESSIVE rants about it.
To utilise the horse imagery one more time, you are a one trick pony that no one cares for, or is interested in.
Time to give it a rest now Beetlejuice…your race is run on here…but there’s always letsrun…


It’s just weird. Drew must have really hurt him. Most people here couldn’t care less who does cardio, or who doesn’t. He must be trolling, but that usually entails a hint of humor, and he has yet to display any.


Or maybe a consensus of opinion that your cardio rants are simply tedious, and are long past the point of being boring?
Should we take a poll? I suspect the results wouldn’t be in your favour. Be honest, are you just trolling? Or just so socially inept that you fail to pick up on even the most overt clues that you have long since gone past the point of being interesting and relevant? Or did Drew Baye somehow butt hurt you THAT much, that you are now on some sociopathic mission of revenge, and won’t stop till you’ve converted the whole of the HIT community?
Honestly…you will find more friends over on letsrun…

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don’t sweat it. the entire forum can be wrong and you can be right. i don’t mean that rhetorically it literally happened to me on my last post, everyone replying kept argueing against my point until i pulled up a film by john little on max contraction training, and then i pulled up a video by doug mcgruff. now they stopped calling me an idiot for even insinuating against full rom. anyways i say stick to your guns, everybody can be wrong and not admit it because they follow tradition.

AFAIK no one is telling him he is wrong. He’s just obstinate for the sake of it.

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He’s of that ilk you know. But HE HAS SUBSTANCE.

Maybe you and ATP4u can go and start your own website and title it,
“The Righteous Few Against The World”.

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ummm no you stopped posting, those two videos didn’t prove anything about contracted range exercise. The physiology of how muscles and leverages function still stand :wink:


lengthened partials are for idiots

I think you mean contracted partials are for idiots. Or more accurately, for people that won’t even listen or read about how things work in the body.

its explained here. completely i am right and you are wrong completely wrong.

LOL OK, me, everyone here, and all the exercise physiologists are wrong sure ok lol

you are like those flat earth people, no matter how much 100% proof is out there, they still stick to their very wrong ideas.

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Two Hours of Daily Cardio: What Does It Do? - T Nation Content - T NATION (

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And… they improved their health way more than if they’d have just cut calories with no exercise.

Not sure about their health, but they did lose weight mainly consisting of fat. Obviously, HiT aficionados have been caught lying once again, in that cardio is effective for weight loss, as cardio is another “tool in the box” against obesity. This will also give hatchet-men, aka trolls, something to reply to with their illogical opinions. Enjoy, as I will be on run,hitter,