Cardio respiratory and Aerobic Demands of Squat Exercise

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice :joy:
Cardiorespiratory and aerobic demands of squat exercise | Scientific Reports.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :blush: :laughing:

Study does not support The HiT paradigm of:

ā€œ you can get the same or better cardiovascular and metabolic conditioning benefits from properly performed high intensity, circuit strength trainingā€

Everyone knows a hard set of squats and/or leg presses increases heart rate and breathing rate, yet no one uses this for conditioning purposes related to endurance competitionā€¦ā€¦ this study is worthless.

Who said anything about competition?

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Thatā€™s the problem ā€¦ā€¦ that study says nothing usefulā€¦.especially for the misled HiT aficionados.

High intensity Business website talks of the chicanery of the Colorado Experiment, but I believe the WestPoint Experiment was even worse chicanery, as this study perpetrated cardiovascular conditioning as useless.
Just another marketing scheme!

If youā€™ve read the study properlyā€¦then youā€™d have noted that even the authors admitted the limitations to the approachā€¦but demonstrated SOME benefitsā€¦and some is better than nothing at all.
In terms of mortality risk the jump from doing nothing, to doing something has been shown to have the greatest impact. After that you are playing the game of diminishing returns.


And there is the rubā€¦ā€¦

HiT dogma is:

ā€œ you can get the same or better cardiovascular and metabolic conditioning benefits from properly performed high intensity, circuit strength trainingā€

This is patently FALSE!

Project Total Conditioning at West Point certainly did not prove such! All HiT practioners who insinuate such are lying due to various personal issues.

Straw man arguments that cardio is not good for weight loss are specious at best. No exercise is especially tailored for weight loss, but all exercise is helpful in a weight loss pursuit. Hiters use this intellectual dishonest tactic of a straw man argument because they have NO facts or data to actually disprove the benefits of proper cardiovascular conditioning.

A astute HiTer should write a article (facts and logic) on proper cardiovascular conditioning. This would give something for DB to intellectually dishonestly dissect for his misled cult.

[quote=ā€œatp_4_me, post:7, topic:288628, full:trueā€]

And there is the rubā€¦ā€¦

HiT dogma is:

ā€œ you can get the same or better cardiovascular and metabolic conditioning benefits from properly performed high intensity, circuit strength trainingā€

I think that you are offering a bit of a straw man argument hereā€¦
Many on this forum have argued that strength training is a SUFFICIENT cardio stimulus for healthā€¦not necessarily whether it was the same or better than steady state work.
This study indicates that it may just offer a stimulus that is sufficient enough.
Most on here are not looking to maximise their cardio abilities. If that is what you are looking to debate, then maybe Letsrun is a better website for you.

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Opinions vary

You speak for the forum?

There is no proof that strength training is sufficient cardio stimulus for health, on the contrary, strength training leads to left ventricle hypertrophy

Now you are the custodian on this site, advising people where they should go debate!
Perhaps it is you who needs to leave. Join DB, pay him, and drink his HiT KoolAid!

I think the point you are missing, due to your zealous rhetoric, is that for many on here, strength training is sufficient for THEM. Coupled with other activity that they do in their daily lives, and that strength training allows them to do.

It is YOU that has been telling people on here what to do on here for years now. Suddenly appearing like an angel from the Lord, whenever someone speaks out against cardioā€¦hence my Beetlejuice reference. :joy::joy:

I wasnā€™t telling you to go to Letsrunā€¦merely advising you that it may be a better site for you to preach the cardio messageā€¦where it might be more readily acceptedā€¦in fact it definitely will be. Or do you just like to be controversial and argumentative on purpose? Is there something missing in your life that makes you feel that way? :thinking::smile:

Iā€™d advised you previously to stop wasting your energy trying to prove your point on here. Those that agree with you are already doing cardio, and those that donā€™t probably never will. Who are you trying to convince? Youā€™d be better off becoming a Mormon and going down that road. You might get more converts with that. Are you being paid for every cardio convert? If not, why bother? You can be quietly smug in the fact that they are missing out on a valuable ( in your opinion) training modality.

And finally, you are so wrapped up in trying to zealously prove your point, that you have forgotten that SEVERAL times previously, I have told you that I DO cardio. So why would I go and join Drew Baye, who clearly doesnā€™t agree with it? You are a clear example of someone who gets caught up in their own rhetoric.


This is a great point. It may not be THE best cardio, but short-rest-period HIT and HDT are more and better than what most of the couch potatoes out there are doing.


This is a great point. It may not be THE best cardio, but short-rest-period HIT and HDT are more and better than what most of the couch potatoes out there are doing.

You can practically guarantee that this wonā€™t be enough for Beetlejuice thoughā€¦

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From an online piece by the Mayo clinic.
Causes of left ventricular hypertrophyā€¦
Oh lookā€¦it seems that overdosing on endurance training can lead to the same thingā€¦go figure.
So then from that we may define that too much of a stressor can be bad, strength or endurance. So the moral of the story might beā€¦pick your preference, but donā€™t do too much.

ā€œ * Intensive athletic training. Intense, long-term strength and endurance training causes changes in the heart. The changes help the heart handle the extra physical workload. But the changes can make the heart muscle grow larger. Sometimes this is called athleteā€™s heart or athletic heart syndrome. Itā€™s unclear whether the increased heart size in athletes can lead to stiffening of the heart muscle and disease.ā€


Oh Custodian,
That is not HiT

And that is deflectionā€¦
Truth! :joy:


Oh Marcee Mac and the not-so-fun bunch. That was my quote btw.
ā€œSemanticsā€ he says. Youā€™re like a certain candidate and party I know ā€¦Every accusation is a confession!

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Butā€¦butā€¦what about the noted cardiovascular benefits of the 20 second Tabata setsā€¦or the two to three 20 second sets of Sprint Interval Training? :smile:

I never said that you did or had done. I think that your reading comprehension skills need some work.
The point that I was trying to make is that the duration of work in the set of a Tabata and / or a sprint interval is actually the same as, or shorter than most sets of squats, and certainly much shorter than the three plus minutes that you stated. Yet the cardio benefits of Tabatas and Sprint interval training have been well documented.


You mean that you realise I have made a point that you are struggling to refuteā€¦

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I think the issue with ā€˜cardio benefitsā€™ is the phrase is used too generally. There are specific differences in the seen adaptations between things like tabata and steady state. People get far too hung up on the first word of the phrase ā€˜cardioā€™ and forget that vascular is another , maybe even more important, attribute.
Steady state activities stimulate an adaptation that weight training, sprinting and those things just do not. The adaptation is larger internal diameter, more pliable arteries. HIT and HITT will ā€˜strengthenā€™ the heart muscle, and things like squats (where high effort with high blood pressure is seen) will thicken and stiffen arterial walls, but LIT with steady state, stimulates adaptations that increase total blood flow under lower pressure, which is larger internal diameter arteries.
so of course, anything is better than nothing, but skipping any kind of LIT activity comletely skips one important adaptation.