Carbs and Fatloss

i just read a reply put on another persons question concerning fat loss and cardio…im taking a weight gainer supplement (mainly for the protein (52g))and its total carb is 85 grams…if i do cardio along with my high intensity workout will i b able to still burn fat? in that i mean will i still b able 2 get a six pack even tho i dont hav 1 rite now or will i keep the fat i already have?

[quote]6stringsuperman wrote:
i just read a reply put on another persons question concerning fat loss and cardio…im taking a weight gainer supplement (mainly for the protein (52g))and its total carb is 85 grams…if i do cardio along with my high intensity workout will i b able to still burn fat? in that i mean will i still b able 2 get a six pack even tho i dont hav 1 rite now or will i keep the fat i already have?[/quote]

u r a kd y r u worried about this stuff?

Go lift heavy stuff and eat clean.

I thought you were trying to gain weight for football?

Do you want to be a better football player or be another skinny guy with a 6 pack?

get your priorities straight man!

here is a simple answer:

If you eat fewer calories then you burn you will lose weight

If you eat more calories then you burn you will gain weight

training and specific diet parameters will effect if weight gained/lost is muscle or fat

i am wanting 2 gain mass. gaining WEIGHT wouldnt b bad but i dont want 2 gain fat…how do i take a weight gainer gain muscle mass and not gain fat?

what do i need to do 2 help my self get rid of fat that i dont want but not get rid of muscle? also…having a six pack doesnt hav 2 do with me playing football…i just want it for looks. i can deal with a flat stomach to i just dont want a fat stomach.

Start with a good training program based on lots of compound movements and moderate to heavy weights.

Also cut out jun food (this is a no brainer) and start keeping a food log

Once you are lifting hard and eating lots of quality food you should start to see some results.

If you want to lose weight or minimize fat gain just adjust your calorie intake (this is where the food log comes in) 200-300 calories a week to get the results you want.

Seriously I wouldnt worry about cutting calories at this point if I were you however. Being a begainer you can get great results by just eating clean and lifting smart. You can shed all the fat you want but you can’t show off muscles that arent there, plus at your age and training experiance you are the prime candadite for some good mass gains. Your only a begainer once so I would take advantage of this time to make the most out of “newbie gains” while you can