Seems that a lot of bodybuilders have successfully gotten their bodyfat down to very low levels following a carb cycling diet. the CKD diet seems most popular here, but a NHE, “The Fat Burning Diet”, or Beverly type approach seems to work as well or better for many. Another approache which is similar is from Bill Phillip’s Anabolic Reference Guide, the High Low carb diet. It’s a 4 day cycle involving day 1:mod carb, high protein low fat, 2 days high protein, low carbs, low fat, and on day 4, high carb, mod. protein, low fat. This seems like the best overall approach for me, but could be made better as 3 days low carbs, 1 day high protein, repeat. Actually similar to what Poliquin and Serrano reccommend, a carb cycling diet. But one that isn’t too high in fat, as that approach doesn’t work well for me.
My current plan is working nicely and is damn easy to follow. I’d like some feedback, my goal is to continue dropping fat to around the 4-5% range, currently about 10%.
4 meals a day. For 3 days. 1.5g protein per lb. bodyweight. .25g fat per lb of bodyweight. No carbs except some greens. Basically 4 meals of lean meats, fish oils and greens. Day 4 is a high carb day. 1g protein per lb, 1.5g carbs per lb, .25g fat per lb. I am continueing this plan w/ success until bodyfat gets lower. As I get leaner I will increase carbs every 4th day to benefit leptin. Will also incorporate post-workout carbs (.5g per lb) once I get lean enough. Carbs are mainly “clean” sources, sweet potatoes, rice, etc. and I include some sugary carbs/low fat refined carbs as well. Its easy as hell to follow, keeps my muscles full, and allows me to cheat more often. I think the more frequent refeeds w/ higher calories/carbs will bump leptin more than longer periods of time low carbing.