Carb Cycling Calculator (Link Here)

I just created am excel file to perform all the calculations for “Thibs Carb Cycling Codex”.

Its for both female and male, gaining muscle and for fat loss, but no sadly, no free steak knives.


Feel free to tell me exactly how awesome i am on this thread so it stay up top, unless moderators want to…



TIP 1:
Whatever you the input is for M3 it will equate for both ‘muscle gain’ and ‘fat loss’

*for ‘fat loss’ for a meso -
enter 0.8 (1-0.2=0.8) in M3 then use the ‘fat loss’ numbers (top on sheet)

*for ‘muscle gain’ for a meso -
enter 1.2 (1+0.2=1.2) in M3 then use the 'muscle gain part (bottom on sheet)

Just recieved a PM from someone and they didnt give me their email.

If you want this file, PM me your email, and ill forward it to you.

Ive also added a diet section for the high,med and low days so you can plan away and see how close you are to the real thing :slight_smile: happy cycling

Sounds like a great idea. The site should have “tools” like this available for members to use. For carb cycling, bulking, low carbing, whatever.

I would look into maybe giving this to the site to use as a tool, if you’re into that.

elusive - how would i do that?? give it to them??

[quote]pro-a-ggression wrote:
elusive - how would i do that?? give it to them?? [/quote]

I don’t know. lol. I created a thread on the topic “T-Nation Diet Tools”. Somehow, maybe you can lend it to them and then they can set it up with a cool interface to put it on the site.

hahaha oh and for ages ive been like wtf is in your avatar and i just went to your profile and it was a little bigger and… fucking resevoir dogs mother fucker ahahahaha taken so long, what an idiot. thats a sick movie

/end hijack of my own thread

btw u look real good in ur pics buddy (no ghey ;))

Yeah, I’m a Quentin Tarantino fan. I need to find a good Pulp Fiction Pic.

OK guys, so i got about 8 messages in the last half hour and have sent it to everybody… but its time consuming, so be patient and ill get it out to you as soon as possible.

haha, was just check PM, email person, reply, check PM, email person, reply… im dead.

oh and moderators if you can here me… “is there a way i can put an excel file on here?”

Might want to try this.

Then just publish the direct link to it.

Ads on that page are NSFW sometimes.

Cool stuff. I found myself using spreadsheets for the first time during my contest diet. Amazingly helpful when everything’s all laid out like that. How ever did we do it back in “my day” -lol.


OK, got a copy of the calculator and it is rather simple to use. It uses metric units for height(cm) and weight(kg), but that isn’t that big of a deal. Just plug in three numbers and it spits out what you should be consumming.

I did a basic check of the math and it seems that it was done correctly.

Nice work, pro-a-ggression.

I also have one for women if they want.

the first one i sent - 3 or 4 people recieved - only worked for muscle gain. i re-did it and it works for fat loss now as well (2 sections)

only problem is that the diet section only is done for muscle gain, ill change things up and do one for fat loss soon and post it on a website cos i got heaps of people’s interest and its real annoying emailing 25 people so far :frowning:

ill keep you posted

Cool stuff. Good job.

Such an awesome spreadsheet pro! Was really easy and simple to use.

I’m going to give this a whirl on my next bulking phase.

Thanks bro!

Nice work and thanks

He revised this for women after I requested a copy; very cool :slight_smile:
It’s an excellent tool, and really easy to use… did he say that the female version is calculated for fat loss now, or just muscle gain? Anyway, awesome!

I say it needs to be stickied for sure. Apparently they don’t do that here?

I PM’s with my email address.

If everyone gave you an email address via PM, then couldn’t you simply send it as an attachment to an email, one email to a number of addresses. Nobody needs it immediately, so send it out when you have accumulated a few email addresses.


Thank you, kind sir

[quote]BiologyBabe wrote:
He revised this for women after I requested a copy; very cool :slight_smile:
It’s an excellent tool, and really easy to use… did he say that the female version is calculated for fat loss now, or just muscle gain? Anyway, awesome!

I say it needs to be stickied for sure. Apparently they don’t do that here?[/quote]

no the one i sent should have both but the diet section will only work for gaining muscle, but as i said ill set up a section on saturday cos uni is fucking me over ahhahaa

To Pro,

dont know if you got to many reply but i would really like to see it!