Carb Cycling Calculator (Link Here)



get a gmail account if you don’t already, then upload the .xls file to and share it with the world. they will give you a link when you “share it with the world”, just provide that link to us here!


oh and anyone that emailed me, well i guess just download it cos seriously its fucking hard to email 25 people, tiring, boring and i have study to do :frowning:

[quote]pro-a-ggression wrote:

oh and anyone that emailed me, well i guess just download it cos seriously its fucking hard to email 25 people, tiring, boring and i have study to do :([/quote]

Oops sorry! You must have edited it since I first read it.

Thanks very much for posting this pro-a-ggression!

Why not put a link to the article in the excel file?

Also, if you get Google Sites, you can upload files and link to them from everywhere. No ads and CAPTCHA, but it doesn’t work for large files.

Hey bro this was really good of you to make. Much appreciated! Gonna tell my buddies about this one :slight_smile:


Very good work,

Im not very good with excel at all, Im following Shelby template and if someone can make a similar sheet based on this article,

I will send him this ebook by email for free.!

Thanks for the spreadsheet!

Not to nitpick, but:

Where you have O2 and O4 (Lose Fat / Gain Muscle), I take those to be a SUBSET of the stated goal (cell M3).

My question, and please tell me if I am reading this wrong:

If I input 0.8 for M3 to denote a -20% reduction in calories (fat loss), how does it work to have a Gain Muscle row starting in O4 that is based off of a ‘Fat Loss’ number?

Or do I simply use the ‘Lose Fat’ row (cell O2) and go with those numbers, regardless of whether M3 specifies fat loss or muscle gain?

whatever you the input is for M3 it will equate for both ‘muscle gain’ and ‘fat loss’

so for ‘fat loss’ for a meso -
enter 0.8 (1-0.2=0.8) in M3 then use the ‘fat loss’ numbers (top on sheet)

for ‘muscle gain’ for a meso -
enter 1.2 (1+0.2=1.2) in M3 then use the 'muscle gain part (bottom on sheet)

**ignore the remaining section ie. youre doing ‘fat loss’ ignore the numbers in the ‘muscle gain’ section


FUCK, somethings are fucking up in the diet section, ill review it and post it back up as a revised version.

sorry for the inconvenience.

if you have done your diet, all u have to do is:
*download the new one
*enter your stats again, and then
*just grab your meals youve done and wack them back in, easy


hrm. been deleted by rapidshare. Re-up? Or the google docs idea is largely brilliant (I love google docs). I’d love to take a look at this as I’m finishing the V-diet in 2 weeks and would like to have a solid plan to follow.

Well done, man, great idea.

Is this spreadsheet still out there somewhere? Rapid share says the file has been deleted…

Interested in the spreadsheet…can you re-upload it to Rapidshare please dude?

ttt for spreadsheet

ditto, i would be most grateful of this!

[quote]Mateus wrote:
Is this spreadsheet still out there somewhere? Rapid share says the file has been deleted…[/quote]


Here guys I uploaded the only Excel file I have from my hard drive. It says Men Only, so sorry sluicy. :expressionless: Not even sure if that matters.

[quote]PB Andy wrote:
Here guys I uploaded the only Excel file I have from my hard drive. It says Men Only, so sorry sluicy. :expressionless: Not even sure if that matters.[/quote]

That’s kind of you Andy. :slight_smile:
It’s cool, I’ll PM the OP.