How much do they help with grip while deadlifting?
I have the #1 and #2, and a buddy said he was having trouble with his grip when he gets heavy on deads, I recommended static holds from the chin up bar, and gave him the CoC #1.
I’ll ask him later if it helped, but what do you recommend?
I bought the 5 set of heavy grips from ebay a while back and they’re great, I cant remember what the poundages the CoC grippers are but my ones start at 100lbs and increase in 50lb increments.
I think a good way to work on static holds isnt to go for endurance but to work for the same amount of time that you’ll be DLing or whatever. I stick to about 4 secs a rep. I dont see the point in holding yourself on a chinnup bar for a few minutes when a low rep set of deads only goes for like 12-15 sec.
Everyone knows that the mixed grip while DLing will help you move more weight but you can switch to a double overhand for a little while if you wanna work on your grip.
If you want some good stuff on grip strength give a browse. They’ve got a youtube channel as well.
[quote]Corrosion wrote:
I think there is very little carryover from gripper (crushing strength) and deadlifting grip (support grip).
I think crush strength has more to do with your thumb strength.[/quote]
True. And with grippers, technique will close a bigger gripper.
If you have a very weak grip, then grippers will help. But then, so will just about any grip work. But after a while, working hard at grippers just makes you better at grippers.